Is it normal i wish i could redo my high school years?

For reference, my high school years were 2013-2017. I remember when I first started high school, it was something exciting and new. It felt like stepping into a whole new world in a way. It wasn’t a perfect year, but compared to what came next it was paradise!

The second year was a bit more difficult, but I had a close friendship with a girl, but long story short it didn’t go how I had hoped.

The third year was alright at first. Hard to explain, but I felt that since of newness over again, but I wasn’t entirely sure why.

The second half of that year was hell on earth for me. Anxiety went to unbelievable levels, and no one seemed to care. The teachers only made it worse.

Senior year was kinda the opposite. The first half felt like a continuation of the second half of junior year, but near the end it felt pretty easy going. I remember thinking to myself a few times by that point “I already did all the hard stuff, what am I still doing here?”

But I hate how my teachers acted like us being older somehow made us better, and you wouldn’t believe some of the awful things they said about younger kids. And pretty much every year, even the better ones, I had moments where I thought “this is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me” only to be proven wrong the next year.

My fears and anxieties almost all originated here, and they still affect my life to this day. College was such a weird experience, it made me feel so behind.

I just want to go back to that new and exciting feel I had back in 2013, when it seemed like I’d be in high school for a while, and while I knew not everyone would get along, I didn’t expect the grades to be so hostile to one another, and most of all I didn’t expect the teachers to be the harshest ones.

I’m only slightly exaggerating when I say that the only good things that came from high school for me were things I did to cope with the bad. I knew it wasn’t really going to be like what it’s portrayed as on tv, but it really turned out nothing like how I expected or was being prepared for.

Sorry if this was long but I needed to get it out of my system.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • _________E_________

    I think modern society in general is fucked up. You endure so much stress when you're young all just to grow up and completely miss what it meant to be young.

    I have a few close friends from HS, but I never got a chance to go into college (I did for half a semester, where I commuted from home, and I didn't talk to many people) because corona and it makes me livid.

    All I want to do is get the experience of being young and having normal relationships, and for the love of god not having every ounce of communication be through a computer. Literally my entire high school career (almost) I didn't care about people that much, but only now am I realizing what I missed back then. Now I only have a couple years in college to hopefully make friends or get in a sexual relationship with a woman before everyone grows up and becomes 'busy.'

    I hate this life.

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    • Hubbard

      I feel ya

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  • bbrown95

    I definitely get what you're saying about that "new and exciting" feeling. I've gotten it about several things and still do, though it feels different with every new experience. It's a cool feeling!

    Honestly though, I am just glad to have high school over with. If I could've done some things differently I definitely would've, knowing what I know now, but I don't miss the unwarranted rudeness and cliquey BS, or the fact that some of the teachers joined in on it.

    You're definitely right when you say it's nothing like it's portrayed on TV or in the media (which seems to REALLY glorify it), and I think that's a letdown for a lot of people when they experience it in real life and it's actually a tough and weird time. The media seems to portray high school as the best time of a person's life, and that is honestly such a crock IMO. Also, my high school experience was definitely different from what I was expecting as well, and I often wondered for awhile if I made the best of it or not. The reality is that high school is a weird and difficult time for everyone.

    A lot of people would like to go back to simpler times and relive them, so what you're feeling is definitely normal. It's also very normal for a person only a few years out of high school to miss it and want to go back since a lot of intimidating changes can happen in a person's late teens and early 20's. But, you will feel a similar way about other new experiences in your life as well, but probably even more exciting about some of them. To me, my life really began after high school and I've already had a lot of exciting new experiences as an adult.

    As someone who tends to be very nostalgic and has gotten so caught up in missing the past that I've missed out on the present, only to later miss that time and repeat the cycle, try your best to just accept the past for what it is and move forward, and try to get excited about your present and future, as the great thing about adulthood is that for the most part, it is what you make it and you have so much more control over your life and who you are around than you did as a teenager. A lot of people had less than ideal high school experiences, but that doesn't mean you can't have a great adulthood!

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    • That’s word for word exactly what I needed to hear, thank you!

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      • bbrown95

        I'm glad I could help!

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  • LloydAsher

    I think pretty much everyone wishes they were back in highschool. So much opportunity with the clarity of what you want in life.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      You had clarity on what you wanted in highschool? That must be nice. I thought I wanted to be a therapist at 17 now I’d consider that one of the top 10 worst jobs.

      I’ll admit I miss parts of school, but for me it’s the structure and seeing my friends everyday.

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      • LloydAsher

        No I mean if you went back to highschool with the clarity of age we have as adults. You wouldnt of been a therapist if you relived highschool.

        I would have gotten better grades and had more stable friendships.

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  • Str8racers

    Yeah dude I miss highschool. I mean that era. I dropped out in 9th grade. But we had alot of fun back then.

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    • Maybe I should have the same

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    I'd go as far back in life as I possibly could.

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  • Somenormie

    I miss school even though I'm an adult now.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't miss high school. I miss college!

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