Is it normal i wish to become an active practicing christian

I am a christian since I am baptized and my country is christian but I am not active. I want faith in my life and i've tried paganism for a few years. Those religions are seen as cool for not being mainstream but it's messy with all the different Gods and I feel attached to christian traditions and symbols. My mother is very spiritual she loves christianity and she's an open minded christian (she likes crystals and meditation). She has supported my paganism too even though she's not a fan of it. I have good experience of christians in general too, the hardcore judgy ones i've pretty much only seen online. They seem common in the US.

I have no desire in breaking rules or getting high or drunk or have lots of sex or even swear so I have realized that my natural values are christian. I've laughed and been like "hell no" when it's been suggested to me to make friends and such by starting to go to church or volunteer at a church. I've insisted i'm pagan but truth is i've never been able to get into pagan practices and the lack of belonging. I'm also a rocker yet considered rather "prude" so the last thing i've wanted is to also be a bible-clutching christian. Thinking about it though, no one exactly needs to know... I don't wish to preach about it...

I don't like hardcore christians who pick what they like and everything else they condemn so they can feel superior yet ironically it seems the most judgmental ones are the ones who sin the most in secret... Plus i'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to judge according to the bible. 🤔 Luckily many churches are chill nowadays. is it normal to wish to become a christian as a young adult?

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67% Normal
Based on 6 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • jrbsportz

    Well first thing is it's ok to be a Christian and second they have alot of good Christian rock bands that you might like if you head in that way justkeep your head up follow your heart just saying

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  • cumlordvegeta

    no not at all

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