Is it normal i wont go to university because of loans

I refuse to ever go to university because i'll be stuck with major study loans. It's just a shame that nearly everything nowadays require university-studies which in my opinion is stupid. Lots of people can easily gain competence from doing something even better than studying it, and lots of people who has gone to university are stuck with crappy jobs that do not require such an education. A few years ago they even decided you need university-education to work at a daycare because daycares are focused on learning instead of just play nowadays. Not sure how deep things three year olds could be taught that it requires people to go to years of university to teach it to them, but okay....

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Comments ( 5 )
  • KholatKhult

    The right internships, entry-level government positions, and trade careers, will pay for your tuition

    Going to work before getting a degree is very doable and comes with many perks

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    if you do go pickin a fielda study should be like pickin an investment for financial return

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    Production work man. Requires no schooling and pay is high

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  • Meowypowers

    Pick the best loans and the most lucrative degrees at the right institutions if you are looking to be financially independent. It is true, a lot of loans are terrible as are a bunch of colleges and specific majors. So much is available online, (and more and more) as the pandemic rears its ugly head once again with the variants, that in person classes are becoming more rare.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You can make a lot of money without going to university anyway. Get some kind of trade like learn how to lay concrete or something. Btw salaries on google are always bullshit. They always say theyre way lower than they really are for that trade.

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