Is it normal i wouldn't mind sucking a trans girl off

So I'm a straight guy but if for example I met a trans girl but didn't know she's trans and I get to like her. Later, let's say we get intimate and she say she's trans, I wouldn't mind sucking her off (if she hasn't yet gone through gender reasignment surgery).

I'm an exclusively straight guy. Men don't attract me, dicks don't attract me. But if that (quite unlikely situation) arose, I'd have no problem (or at least I don't think I would). Especially if she had, like, a huge one. I wouldn't do the same to a guy.

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 30 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • BKaneki

    You ain’t straight my guy

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  • leggs91200

    "I like someone who looks like a woman but still has male parts"

    We hear that one a lot.

    I do not know how "normal" it is but it seems to happen sometimes.

    I do not understand why someone would want to suck a cock though. It's just, yuck.

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    • It's not that I want to per se but I'm curious. I normally wouldn't but I'm the would-try-anything-once type of guy.

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  • Orca66

    You're not straight. You said that dicks don't attract you yet you would suck one? Girls don't have penises. You probably have a shemale fetish if you're not normally attracted to men, but you're definitely not straight.

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    • Well perhaps but I wouldn't normally suck a dick in general. What I'm saying is, I wouldn't go looking for a trans girl nor for dick.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Boy, you ain't straight, quit lying.

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  • Lestat565

    It sounds like you are in denial. Sounds to me like you want a trans girl with a big one for you. There’s nothing wrong with it. It doesn’t make you gay. A little bisexual but who the hell cares either way.

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    • It's not like I want it, per se but *if* the situation arose. I wouldn't go out of my way to look for one.

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  • curious-bunny

    Most of us are purely bottoms, (meaning we take dicks not give it) and the chances of meeting a trans women is actually pretty likly. You've probably already met one, for example the other day i was washing my hands after a quick tinkle at work sone guy walks into the bathroom and gives me this horrified look and you can easily read his thoughts of oh shit im in the wrong bathroom, i got put of there fast, way to embarrassing(I live as a woman full time and am passable to most but since my legal name is still a boys name so far ive been unable to convince my job to respect my desire for a proper nane tag so yea still gotta use the men's room and get called Anthony every day (bugs the shit out of me) but in the end I've made one last request for it to be changed and if not I'll work elsewhere witg better pay. If I'm gonna get called that disgusting name I want to warn better than min wage. Fortunately I'm our only full timr cashier as we are severely understaffed so i have leverage!

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    • leggs91200

      Not of me to tell adults what to do but if I may -
      Maybe avoid sharing your male name if you do not legally have to share it. You are not that guy anymore, you are (your female name). Besides, for the same reason some calls us "Sir" knowing good and well that is no longer who we are, but they may use it against you.

      I do not know where you live but where I am, 8 years ago I spent $300 to legally change my name. About $130 court cost, $130 to have it announced in a "local circulating newspaper" $20 for a new ID, and another $20 for other small costs like having my name change docs notarized, parking at the govt building...

      In the mean time maybe you could get a name tag that says "Toni" since the name is synonymous but feminized version of your present name, even if Toni isn't exactly what you want but still an improvement.

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      • curious-bunny

        It is indeed, im really pushing the issue with my boss. Was even able yo get him to cough up a 75cent raise. He's having a meeting soon with other managers about my name and I know them well enough tgere all for it. I told him I was looking at other places and he immediatly got serious and was like don't. We need you here don't want to loose you. (I'm good worker and were understaffed I'm not great but im good) so that's nice! But yea i dont tell anyone my male name. I fully love by Sarah, i would avsoloutly change by mane but i need to be a resident of Michigan for a year and back when I lived in North dakota I wasn't ready to fave a judge yet.
        Oh yea those people are dicks! Screw them. Wonder how many are gonna be jerks to me cause we have our regulars and so far ive been purely a cashier. Can't wait to take over apparel get away from people

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        • leggs91200

          A couple things - Yeah i think being a resident of a state for one year is a requirement but also if someone has certain felonies, getting a name change might be more of a challenge. I doubt you have any but just something to consider IF you have had legal troubles.

          About the boss not wanting you to leave - Attendance seems to be an ongoing problem in a lot of workplaces. If someone even shows up to work each shift, they are pretty much golden.

          With the boss's resistance - I had a similar situation in beauty school. Was living full time but had not changed my legal name yet. I wanted a name tag with my new name. They would not do it. Their reason was - "then everyone would want a new name tag with a "nick name". I instantly got this image of 50 young women running around with the name tag saying "Baby Girl" (every single young woman in the early 2010's called themselves that)

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          • curious-bunny

            Oh god no! My record is squeaky clean! I enjoy weapons that require licenses so i have no interest in doing something go fuck that up for myself. Seriously? I've never had tgat problem in any of my past jobs!

            But yea i mean occasionally I'm late but its only ever a few minutes, professionalism is very important. Some people are a joke.

            Jesus Christ thst sounds awful. I can understand that one a but though, not saying it makes it right. My manager (changing names for his and her privacy) linda gave me a new tag ladt night with my choosen name on. She was like hey Bill thos is getting rodiculos she constantly hides that name tag when dealing with guests it's time for a new one and he was like yea.. have you spoken to the others how they feel? She's lile they are all supportive or simply don't care. Him yea fine I suppose. (She told me about it. She even thought I would get offended, she's woefully uneducated it's adorable) but yea do that's all done! Twisted my bosses arm and got whst I deserved haha. He finally officially offered me to take over apparel. Unfortunatly for him in thinking about getting a second full time job wich would be a grand more than apparel would give. Still deciding though. 16 hour days..

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            • leggs91200

              If you take this other job, just of course try to find out ahead of time how they are towards transgender employees, what might go well and what challenges might arise.

              I would still encourage you to work towards the legal name change soon. Once it is legal, people have no choice but to recognize.

              I do not know how long it would take for sure but IIRC it was three months from the time i filed until my court date where it became legal.

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    • I don't think I've ever met a trans person since I live in the Balkans area where even gays (if I may) aren't quite fully accepted. The situation is not as extreme as it is in Russia but again there still exists a stigma against homosexuals. The younger generations (such as myself) are tolerant and supportive but again you can find some (quite a few) exceptions.

      Also, the whole bathroom debacle is pure nonesense to me. Trans folks should be able to use whichever bathroom they feel comfortable using.

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      • curious-bunny

        Well that's were most the issues occur. I dont give a shit a shit wich bathroom I use as long as i can use one i mean it's just a tpilet and washing facilities. It's being referred to by my old boy nane thst irks me, besudes my work boots and pants I dont even own any boy clothes, not even socks so it's like I shouldn't be being called a boys name when im not even hiding as one anymore, there's alot of discrimination here as well especially from older folks, probs better than over there though, the haha do have it pretty easy

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        • That's also the thing, I don't get why it's so hard for people to respect others' pronouns.

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          • curious-bunny

            Yea its fucked up man. It's emotionally stressful

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    • Lestat565

      It’s so stupid that they won’t call you by what you want to be called. It doesn’t hurt them at all to give you that respect. And the whole bathroom issue makes no sense to me. I’d rather have a trans girl be in the girls bathroom cause that’s more comfortable for them

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      • curious-bunny

        That's the thing my coworkers don't care, it's my bloody fricken boss, the first time I applied they turned me down cause the position was taken(they were almost desperate for people and I have glowing references so makes one think it's cause I'm trabs) then they became desperate for people and suddenly I'm hireable, my boss is a prude•_• coworkers are cool though they can't respect it at work cause of my name tag, be unprofessional in front of the customers. Aye! It is! Plus every guy who enters the male one when im there gives me this weird look and then the realization sets and it stings. Not good for my mental health to be called by my old name. And i can't change it till I've been a resident for a year and I'm not a resident of this state yet and it's frustrsting! Haha ohwells I guess. Store across the street has better pay and will probs respect it. There boss is cool. If I dont get a raise and my name respected soon I'll leave for sure.

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  • HeTalksInMaths

    if you want to be "Politically correct" it's considered straight.

    Otherwise it's gay dude. Penis is penis.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Political correctness is a scourge.

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      • HeTalksInMaths

        Well I agree it's dumb. but if there were someone you cared about and were close to, in your family or friends, who turned out to be trans. would you call them by the names they wanted, out of respect?

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        • RoseIsabella

          Actually, I already do have someone like that in my life, and yes, I refer to her as she. I also want to say that she is post-op.

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          • HeTalksInMaths

            Cool! Yeah I guess that has a figure into it. But I'm sure there are trans people who can't afford the surgery, or have other complications which prevent it.
            Personally I think they should get what they give in terms of respect - As long as they are nice and understanding, I would do the same for them. but when they get rude and forceful with their beliefs it becomes an issue

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            • RoseIsabella

              I'm gonna be real with you, if they aren't living as the opposite sex, planning on having an operation and able to pass they really should give up the dream of people using the pronouns they want.

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  • SwickDinging

    I think you should seek out a trans person and try this out. Then you'll know how you really feel about it

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    • True lol

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  • bigbudchonga

    "I'm an exclusively straight guy." No, no you're not.

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    • But I wouldn't label myself as bi since men don't attract me. I am exclusively attracted to women and if you're a trans woman, fuck it. Although, it doesn't really matter what I label myself as, does it?

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      • bigbudchonga

        I'm pretty much the same dude, it means you're bi though. If they pass as feminine enough then I'd fuck one, but wanting to fuck or get a blow job off a trans woman is gay. Even if it's on the straighter side of gay it's still gay. Wanting to suck dick is defo gay dude.

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  • birthofvenus

    totally normal, penises do not belong to just men and vaginas do not belong to just women.

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  • Tbh I don't fuckin know, I mean I don't think I'd like it but I guess I wouldn't mind. I'm a may-try-anything-once kind of guy

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    • leggs91200

      Don't get bent out of shape. other peoples' narrow views do not define you. Nothing wrong with wanting to explore things.

      This is how someone put it to me -
      "What consenting adults do in the bedroom is their business."
      This whole "gay/straight" thing is silly because human sexuality is not always that black and white. There are men out there who love trans women.

      I guess if there is a label for your preference, it might be "trysexual" as i heard it put. That means, as you said, try anything once and maybe twice if you like it.

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      • Thanks for the support! I might just say trysexual from now on xD

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  • I want to suck a trans girl AND get fucked by her! I’m a try-anything-once kind of girl!

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  • leaflights

    im a trans guy and exclusively gay guys get with me and neither of us consider it straight.
    ive also known trans guys who date girls and both consider it a straight relationship.
    tbh if i did something with a guy and he said it was straight id be pissed because i didnt spend over $8000 to be treated like im still a girl

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  • Dot123

    Ya nastay.

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    • I need Jesus hah

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