Is it normal i wrote my bully's name in my death note... and he actually died?

This is not a joke or a troll post. A few years ago I got a "Death note" for christmas at my request. I figured I could use it for cosplay purposes or just use it as a diary. But then I thought it would be funny to write in the names of people who have bullied me. I wrote in this guys' name who used to bully me in secondary school. I was a vulnerable girl, and he was an older boy, who used to mock me, beat me up, threw a sandwich at me, spat in my lunch, said vulgar things to me and even threatened to set me alight.
So anyway fast forward to when I had got the death note. He was one of the people I had written in there. And then miraculously I'm not even kidding, not long after that, he got stabbed to death. But so far he is the only person who I wrote in there who actually died afterwards (that I know of) Coincidence? Or is the death note for real? thoughts?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • profanity

    He probably was in a habit of getting in fights with other people, which did not end well for him. Nothing to do about your death note tho.

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  • kelili

    Coincidence. He surely hang out with the wrong crowd and was at risk.

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  • Kmoshea5

    Sounds like the guy eventually got what he had coming to him? Act and treat people like a jerk/asshole for so long, eventually it can come back to backfire on you I suppose????

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  • dude_Jones

    I think magical thinking is unhealthy.

    But, his bullying came back to haunt him. This being the case, your ill will for the others in your book could come back to haunt you. Better erase their names right away.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    He's seems like the type of bully who probably continued bullying people as an adult, bullied the wrong person, and paid for it with his life. His death was all his fault, not yours.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    When I was younger a ex friend got popped with a lot of drugs and was out and about the next day acting like it was no big deal. I figured he was like an informant or something and long story short he snitched on some of my friends. I was only 18 but I would harrass this dudes myspace telling him im gonna beat his ass blah blah. I told him to kill himself abunch times and he actually did hang himself shortly after. Ive regretted saying that ever since I hope I didnt influence him to do it.

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    • Tinybird

      yes people need to be careful what they say.

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