Is it normal if i don't do certain things i'll have bad luck

I've never told anyone about this or explained it, and I'm just wondering if anyone else does things like this. I have this light in a long hallway in my house and it has a glass globe that points at the bottom. I walk down the hallway and every time i approach the light i feel like i have to reach up and touch the very tip-point of the globe exactly and on my first try. If i miss, i feel like something bad will happen. I've been doing it for a year or so now every time i walk down that hallway. I don't know why i started doing it. Is this normal?

Voting Results
29% Normal
Based on 42 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • suckonthis9

    It's just silly superstition, but if it makes you feel good, then by all means.

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  • anti-hero

    To me it sounds like you have Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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  • slutzombie

    OCD. Get help before it progresses, it can become severely debilitating.

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  • Tystick

    I've done shit like that ever since I was a kid. Like walking on floor tiles I like to count them by threes when I'm walking on them. Another thing I do is I get up out of bed and do a task like open and close a drawer for luck. They say there is a disease for people like me. I don't buy it! What's wrong with believing in something?

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  • Normal people do weird stuff like that a lot.
    It's when it starts to interfere with your life (on any level) that it has become something serious like a disorder and you should explore it with a health professional.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I occasionally get this but it's due to hearing voices in my head. It's rare for this happening to me but when I was younger, it was extremely common. I've learned to ignore these "notions" when they come up. You'll also have to ignore it. The odds of something bad happening are extremely slim.

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