Is it normal if i'm on my ps3 slim all day until 2 in the morning?

It's sort of a habit where time would fly by really quick and I would sleep in the next day until 1 in the afternoon. I'm a slave to grand theft auto 4 (especially online)! Is this normal or am I condemned to my game console?

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47% Normal
Based on 38 votes (18 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • DannyKanes

    Lol, slim

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    • House

      exactly...slim is the key word in there! the poster is an IDIOT!

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  • Yeah, I'm a gamer so i understand but this is quite excessive.

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  • Bubblegum_Ninja

    Dude! Blam, blam, blam, blam, woooooosh BOOM!, ratatatatatata, pew pew, swoiswoiswoiswoiswoi, "FUCK YOU MOTHERF***ERS", swoosh shiiiINK! *GAME OVER!*

    Why wouldn't you be addicted to that?

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  • Hohenstaufen

    It's normal and something most teenagers - if not all teenages - do at one point in their life. (Please forgive me if I assume wrong at you being a teenager)

    I'm nearly 20 and I still do it, more commonly in summer. I see where you're coming from. You are just gaming away and then BAM! It's late and you should really go to bed. I sometimes go to the extreme and I start gaming and look outside and it's gone from dark to light.

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  • what? how does using "slim" make me an idiot? Make sense the next time you post a comment.

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  • lewlew80

    Normal, I love super Mario for the wii and I'm always playing, right now I'm trying to get all the gold coins so I can open up the bonus board lol

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