Is it normal if i'm scared of meeting my bf's family?

Pretty sure this is normal but my bf is the only guy in his family besides his dad. He has three sisters and his mom. Plus his mom is young so she could be spicy enough to be considered one of his sisters. Idk, what terrifies me is I do love him and it would be awesome to be liked by his family but at the same time, I never got along with girls either. Most of my friends are guys. So that doesn't help much. I'm scared and I feel like I need a few months to train myself in order to impress them. We have been dating for almost a year. I have talked to his parents before and I've seen his sisters and he's told me about them but they seem really chill but then again, its only through what he's shown me. If I didn't loven him, I wouldn't really give a crap. But damn, I would love to impress the family of the man of my dreams.

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89% Normal
Based on 55 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • FuzzaMuzza7

    The boys family is always nicer, they'll want him to find someone he will be worrying about meeting YOUR family

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  • Tommythecat.

    Plug up your butt with a pepper shaker. That way if things get awkward when you meet the family you can just say "excuse me but I have to go because my bumhole is itchy"

    They'll understand, because nobody expects someone to stay and talk if their butthole is itching up a storm.

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  • oddlestrange

    100% normal.
    You'll be fine. If you love him, its gotta happen, if not with him then with someone else. So unless you're planning to be forever alone...

    Google: "meeting boyfriends family for first time", there's tons of tips and advice. But you're totally normal.

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