Is it normal if i think i am getting karma with the one i like right now?

I hate to think this but I wouldn't be surprised if this is really happening. I feel like the guy i am seeing right now looks at me like I used to look at my ex: not right, doesn't like me as much as I do, a little kid, etc. My ex was and still is in love with me and I'm like get over it nothing will ever happen again even if he cares about me a lot. Then I think of me and the guy Im seeing right now...I care about him a lot and I like him so much. But he doesn't give me back the same response...kinda like how I used to do w my ex. I couldn't help but not like my ex he was just not for me. This guy though hes like the one Ive drawn in my head but unfortunately he doesn't express his feelings that much so its either that and he does like me or he doesn't like me that much. It drives me crazy to think he looks at me like I used to look at my ex cause my ex was ew he's just immature and thats why I moved on. Could it be karma? or its all in my head?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Sure it could be Karma, but it could also be a fear of intimacy. When someone truly loves you, wants to be near you and get to know you better you pull away. Could it be that you're chasing people who are unattainable so that way you don't have to face true emotional intimacy?

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  • Fall_leaves

    You don't sound very mature yourself. So maybe this is karma, you get what you give. Idk what went on with you or your ex but I don't think treating anyone this way in a relationship is ok. You didn't respect the person that loved you, why do you expect to be respected by this guy.

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    • Karmasbitch

      Listen to this one, OP.

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    • But I couldn't force myself to love him. Yeah he cared about me and loved me but as a person, he's not for me. He's more of a friend. I have had this question in my head for a while and im gonna ask right now: do you love the person who loves you back even though you weren't initially into him OR do you stay with the one you are into even if he shows less that he likes you? Because I feel like its fake if you force and try to love someone else just cause they love you back. Its about the person too...their traits, qualities, attraction, etc. And unfortunately my ex wasn't my type to begin with. The guy now is...isn't that how it should start off? To be attracted to one another in the beginning.

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      • Fall_leaves

        Don't stay with the person that likes you less than you like them? That's just settling for less than you deserve.

        You also don't fake feelings for someone that loves you but you show respect for them because it's hard to love someone that doesn't love you back. Just show the guy who loved you some respect, you should feel special, he decided to love you. Out of all the girls he could have loved, he loved you. Don't look at him like he's beneath you or pathetic for still loving you, one day, maybe you'll look back at this and appreciate the person he was.

        Just because you like this guy more than your ex doesn't mean he's the guy for you. If he's not displaying the same feelings for you then tell him to hit the road. You'd just end up wasting time on someone who will never have those feelings for you, pretty much like your ex did on you.

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        • I do appreciate him but that doesn't mean I have to be with him.

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          • Fall_leaves

            That's good, yeah I wasn't saying you should. He'll find someone who reciprocates those feelings

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  • Naughty_rascal

    This is not Karma.
    Most people have a flawed view of 'Karma'. It's not a 'what goes around, comes around' kinda deal.
    Probability is that you treat people with disdain and think you can 'mould' people to your ideal.
    When people treat you this way, you are outraged.
    There is a lesson in here somewhere about people's feelings.

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