Is it normal if not driving makes a huge impact on my life?
I have my driver's licensed, I'm 22. I have driven but I haven't legitimately driven in 2 years. Part of it is because i didn't have a car and the other part is because I preferred not to cause I'm scared. I rather stay off the streets than risk it. I just don't trust myself driving. It is a scary feeling since it is one of the biggest statistics on deaths. How am i going to learn how to seriously drive with confidence if I just don't trust myself? Like I said, I'm 22 so I have things to do and not driving just makes it more complicated. I'm getting a few jobs right now and need transportation. And overall, just to freaken drive and go to places. I have a car now but its brand new so I'm scared to practice driving it and I don't want to go through the hassle of selling it and getting an older car. I just want to suck it up and learn but its not that easy. It's driving! My own life at risk. It might not be a big deal to other people but as said before, it is one of the many ways people get into accidents and die. Also not just dying, but just getting into accidents. I don't want to get into one especially as soon as I learn. Any advice on how to relax and just learn with my trust issues?