Is it normal if not driving makes a huge impact on my life?

I have my driver's licensed, I'm 22. I have driven but I haven't legitimately driven in 2 years. Part of it is because i didn't have a car and the other part is because I preferred not to cause I'm scared. I rather stay off the streets than risk it. I just don't trust myself driving. It is a scary feeling since it is one of the biggest statistics on deaths. How am i going to learn how to seriously drive with confidence if I just don't trust myself? Like I said, I'm 22 so I have things to do and not driving just makes it more complicated. I'm getting a few jobs right now and need transportation. And overall, just to freaken drive and go to places. I have a car now but its brand new so I'm scared to practice driving it and I don't want to go through the hassle of selling it and getting an older car. I just want to suck it up and learn but its not that easy. It's driving! My own life at risk. It might not be a big deal to other people but as said before, it is one of the many ways people get into accidents and die. Also not just dying, but just getting into accidents. I don't want to get into one especially as soon as I learn. Any advice on how to relax and just learn with my trust issues?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • mountain-man82

    Sometimes in life you just have to say fuck it and do it anyways. There no better way to learn than to just get out there and drive.

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    Practice driving really earlier in morning when there's less people.

    I also had a similar fear. Still kind of do. With me, I only feel safe when I know exactly where to go. Basically routine drives. I really should get a gps, it could help me a bit.

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    • I have gps and it makes me drive worse because it's distracting.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Sounds to me like you have absolutely no business driving a car. It may not be that you are physically incapable, but you are definitely psychologically incapable and if you do get in an accident, and injure or kill someone (or yourself) it will have been completely avoidable. You should not drive in your present state of mind, period.
    You need to seriously consider moving somewhere, where public transportation is great. A city or community where you can get anywhere you need to go by bus or taxi.
    I know this sounds crazy and extreme, but if you want a good life and are not ready to drive yet, then it makes a lot more sense to move to a place where you can get around without bothering others or getting into an accident, with perhaps dire consequences, than forcing the driving thing.

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    • I think you nailed it. It's definitely a mental problem with me. But I have to learn eventually and time is running out. I'm not only 22 when I should already be driving with confidence but I'm getting jobs and I need transportation to run errands not just one way. I agree with KeepsakeDoll to drive early in the morning but I do live in LA so work traffic is the worse in the morning. But yeah, I can't just move to another place, that's like running away from the situation and I'll never grow from there.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I'm your age and had to drive out of necessity. It is scary but when you're in a position where you HAVE to drive to work, you get over your fear much more quickly. It sucks ass but the only way to be accustomed to it is to just go out and do it. I drive about 13,000 miles a month, often on times when there are several drunk drivers on the road, in LA and in heavy traffic and haven't been in an accident in 4 years. The first accident I was in was my fault and considering that you have a brand new car, it is unlikely that you will experience the mechanical issue that I experienced.

    You pay attention and drive defensively, your chances of getting into an accident are incredibly low.

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  • You could try moving somewhere with good public transportation.

    I'm know I'm an awful driver because everyone tells me. Many wont get in the car with me and honestly, I wouldn't give me a drivers license. My traffic ticket history is huge and I have restrictions.

    However I choose to drive anyways because I am very dependent on driving. I've gone without driving several times and has made significant negative impact on my life.

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