Is it normal if you could go back

Is it normal If you could go back to 1945 and wished you could give Donald Trump's father a condom?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 36 votes (28 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Steve2

    No. Donald Trump is a man of wisdom, bravery and great compassion. He is what the U.S needs in order to propel itself forward. Everyone is mostly hating on him because he is successful and they're jealous, but he hates no one, as he is an incredibly compassionate and caring person who loves all, and only ever brings his best to people.

    We're lucky to have a man like Donald J. Trump.

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    • thegypsysailor

      Who wouldn't be successful if daddy gave them a million bucks?

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      • Steven_Glansberg

        YOU. YOU wouldn't be successful because that million bucks would become Zero (probably debt actually ) in no time. Trump on the other hand took that million bucks and turned it into 10+ BILLION

        Do you even know what 10 Billion is? Its 10,000 millions, thats like turning One Dollar into $10,000. id like to see you do that oh wait you cant

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        • thegypsysailor

          I agree completely. I am not a money maker. I never have been. I'm a money earner and very, very good at my profession, earning the top wages in that field.
          I'm satisfied with that.
          You beloved Trump has had some considerable failures too, you know. His next big failure will be this run for office, no doubt.

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          • Steve2

            At the end of the day, trump still has 10 fucking billion dollars in the bank, a penthouse in Chicago, and widespread fame. You, on the other hand, have a toy boat and a basement.

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            • thegypsysailor

              If you honestly think '10 fucking billion dollars in the bank, a penthouse in Chicago, and widespread fame' is the gauge of a person's life, then I truly pity you.
              A 'penthouse in Chicago'? You couldn't have come up with a city someone would actually WANT to live in, rather than a shithole where everybody there is trying to get out of?

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          • Steven_Glansberg

            Keep dreaming sailor

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  • flyingnostalgia

    Yes, very normal

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