Is it normal if you or your kid falls into an animal exhibit

So many stupid people and their stupid kids are falling to Zoo exhibits, they should just let them go, its not the animals fault so why should the animal have to die.

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Let Them Get Eatin 39
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Comments ( 17 )
  • RoseIsabella

    It's the parents fault.

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  • mysistersshadow

    They just need better barriers but I'm kinda against zoos and circuses becos the animals would be better off free or not performing. The water parks with whales and dolphins are messed up to. I just saw a documentary on Netflix about how they treat whales and its no wonder they flip out and attack the trainers.

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    • IMissMary

      I am against zoos too. Humans have no right to imprison animals and take away their freedom, just so we can look at them. Does not matter how well the animal is treated and cared for...

      I would say at the very least these parents should be fined the cost of the animal [all costs involved] plus banned from the zoo for life.

      I would also probably call Child Protective Services for child endangerment.

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      • mysistersshadow

        I went to a zoo in Michigan when there was snow on the ground and it was so sad to see animals from Africa wandering around in snow. They had to be freezing there not meant for that kind of weather.

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        • littledansonman

          You have a bad case of the egomania. I saw one of your other pictures of you. The one of you looking down. You have no arse and you have a big forehead. Are all american girls like you? Ugly and entitled but think the world revolves around you. I wonder if your mates are all little clones of you. Malnourished with a big ass forehead and an ugly face and snarky attitude.

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          • mysistersshadow

            Egomania? Ya think? I am pretty awesome at least awesome enough I only need 1 account you must have a few becos that pic was a while ago. And you must not understand photography very well becos thats what happens with perspective. And you make some wild assumptions what makes you think I'm a American? I don't recall ever saying that. Hmmm. True I don't have much ass but I don't have a problem with that. I also don't recall feeling entitled sounds like your jealous.

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            • littledansonman

              Do not need much perspective to notice an ugly cow. I like how you are replying to my blunt insult in stride like it does not bother you when we all know it does. Miss anorexia. I have seen a few of your profile pictures on here actually. You like to talk about how you reject men all the time but i just do not see it. You are a butter face at best. Your body is nasty looking too. Honey you just dont got much going on.

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  • Bluejayy

    tbh people falling into exhibits is always their own fault, there are always warning signs (especially for the carnivorous or large predatory animals) around the exhibits, the handlers should just let the animals maul the idiots to death.

    if a kid falls in then obviously it isn't their fault since kids are default stupid, it's the parents. seriously, who would leave their kid alone long enough that he/she manages to climb up a fucking exhibit and fall down? why are parents so fucking retarded?

    if you can't watch your kid, then don't fucking go out places if you can't even bother to be a proper parent.

    zoos would be heaven for child rapists who want to kidnap kids.

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  • Tempest-au

    Not buying into the argument on the existence of zoos, but as for the stupid people and their brat kids that end up in the enclosures, while I wouldn't just "leave them to be eaten", I'd certainly use a tranquilliser gun to subdue the animal. If the person got harmed/killed waiting for the dart to take effect, well, so be it.

    I actually saw footage on that recent one at Cincinnati zoo. Now, I'm no zoologist, but to me it actually looked like the gorilla was trying to protect the kid (in his own way) and only started dragging him roughly through the water as a result of fuckwits yelling and throwing stuff. In the mind of the gorilla, he was probably just trying to get this kid to safety and away from what it perceived as potential threats.

    It's a pity it was killed for trying to do the right thing. I hope that stupid bitch of a mother gets some serious consequences.

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    • BlackyHancock

      Maybe they should use a tranquiliser gun on the parents and all bystanders. They're idiots.

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    • RoseIsabella

      I agree.

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  • dirtybirdy

    People need to watch their fuckin kids. People also need to stop this zoo and circus bullshit.

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  • kasaikitsune12

    STAY AWAY FROM EXHIBITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • bittermayonnaise

    A combination of arrogance and stupidity mean that shit like this happens, that kids parents are probably more focused on their Crossfit classes than they are on their fucking kids.

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