Is it normal im confused about my feelings for him because its just calm

I am dating a man without experience and we are in the autism spectrum but I am used to dating men who arent. I didnt think he'd be inexperienced as he is an attractive man and he got diagnosed pretty late for being a man.
I told him I am kind of asexual and he took it well. He said that he doesnt need to rush anything and doesnt know what he likes anyway.
He thinks all physical intimacy might be "coming on too strong" and is careful and cautious all the time but we kiss though its not much.
I talked to my mom about this and she said these are the types of men that women friendzone and the reason is there can never be passion with such a man because they are too careful and it gets boring.
I thought about that some. I used to think I wanted passion but I found it overwhelming and things didnt go anywhere with men who acted like that because they didnt want to stop acting like that when I said so and calm down instead. Very strange to act that way, stressful...
I am pleased with his behaviour because he doesnt overwhelm me. I feel good because he makes plans for us and he even recently told his parents about us but he gives me a lot of space because hes got his own things to do. Its very romantic and sweet to me and he pays for dates like a gentleman.
I dont feel insecurity. It feels simple and nice and on our first date we instantly connected because we understand each other.
I dont know if its good or bad im not obsessing because I tend to obsess if I like someone but in this case I feel happy but im not obsessing is that normal ???
This has never happened before that ive felt peaceful instead of obsessing over what my date is doing and how they feel. It has only happened with my guy friends but them I absolutely dont want to date. I want to date this guy though so its good he likes me.

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Comments ( 1 )
  • Normalmember

    If you like him, give him a chance. If it doesn't work out, you can know that you tried. You won't have regrets or have 'what ifs'.

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