Iin: im still scared of the dark

Its more of when the light offs and that complete darkness is where I get scared and then relieved when the light comes back on. I walk really fast or I climb into bed quickly before I get crazy ideas that somebodys gonna jump out or something similar like that.

is it normal for a 19yr old to be still scared ??

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70% Normal
Based on 47 votes (33 yes)
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Comments ( 6 )
  • thegypsysailor

    The dark is your friend. Nothing can see you in the dark, no more than you can see it. If it jumps out at you in the dark, it's most likely it will miss you.
    However in the light, these things CAN see you and even though you can see them coming, they are bigger, meaner and stronger than you, so you lose. They can rip your arms and legs from your body and you can't stop them. But in the dark you are safe because they can't see you, if you are very quiet.

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  • brownclown

    Me too! The lamp switch is like my lifeline hahahah

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  • TrustMeImLying

    I'm a man who walks alone and when I'm walking a dark road at night or strolling through the park, when the light begins to fade I sometimes feel a little strange, a little anxious when it's dark...

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  • Ace09

    Exit light
    Enter night

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  • Dad

    A very common phobia, that a simple low powered light will fix :)

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    • jukkara

      Not for me though. I start to see things in the shadows caused by light, and thats worse than the dark...

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