Is it normal it's impossible to focus on work in my house
This is WHY I can't stand getting homework.
My house is too small so any noise breaks me out of my focus. I hate not being able to control what I hear (my stupid headphones don't even work in one ear.)
My mom complains that I have my headphones on too loud but her dumb ass can walk around with her music on max while I'm slowly loosing my mind because I only wrote one god damn sentence ALL DAY.
All I can manage out are these stupid fits of writing (like the fucking piece of shit you're reading now.) Anything else is too much brain processing for me to handle.
Our apartment is too god damn small for this, and I can't go outside to work because people are too fucking stupid and annoying to be around. What the hell am I supposed to do then?
EVERYTHING IS LAST MINUTE. EVERYTHING IS PROCRASTINATED. I just want to be comfortable and to be able to work. The only things I do are time wasters because I'm too stupid to work through a little noise.