Is it normal joggers make me angry

This has nothing to do with hating people who take care of their health, Im all for that. I specifically mean people who jog on public streets. Heres why I think jogging is bad your health and dangerous to yourself and others:

-joggers who jog in the dark and don't wear reflective clothing! Do you want to get hit by a car? Im just trying to drive home and your invisible ass darts out jaywalker style. And then you act like its my fault for not seeing you
-jogging with earbuds. Great way to get mugged or hit by a car/train, pay attention to your surroundings or at least enjoy nature.
-women who wear tiny clothes. There are a lot of perverts in the world, if youre dressed in a tiny two-piece hoochie outfit its easy for some creep to grab you off the street and do... whatever. No it shouldn't be like that but hey that's how the world is sadly.
-anorexic old lady joggers who are 70 lbs and look like they are going to drop any second. Whats the point of being skinny if you look like a leather bag? I wanna force feed you gatorade and cornstarch paste.
-people who jog in all sorts of bad weather, in the middle or a snowstorm or at noon when its 100 abusing your body like that good for you, if you get frost bite or heat stroke? Do you know how many dead joggers they find per year...a LOT.
-jogging on asphalt is bad for your joints, humans arent meant to pound rock, go jog on a nature trail or some padded high school track so you don't need knee replacements when youre 45.
-men with their junk hanging out. OK we get it you think youre in shape, but nobody wants to see you prancing around skin-tight bumblebee speedos. Gag. I could on but you get the point.
All you joggers, just stop and eat a donut already. Whats the point of being in shape if you get hit by a bus?
Rant over.

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56% Normal
Based on 41 votes (23 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • dirtybirdy

    I was driving along late at night in my Jegs powered ride trying not to fall asleep at the wheel, so I was singing George Michaels Jitterbug when this Juggernaur with feet full of jigger bugs was doing a jig like Jagger while carrying jugs. Then this rowdy group of jugglers came jogging along so I jabbed them all in the jugulars and offered them as sacrifices to the jaguars in the jungle.

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  • dom180

    No, it isn't normal. It's boring and joyless. Mind your own business.

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    • iEatZombies_

      Damn skippy. Thumbs up.

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  • Pika-girl

    I've always wanted to try these out:

    A jogger is in front of me, but I cut in front of him/her and say, "STOP CHASING ME!"

    I say to a random jogger, "FBI! Freeze!"

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    • Jweezee

      I got one more you can add. When you see a jogger exercising pull up and ask if they need a ride.

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      • Pika-girl

        You need a ride? Sitting in the car can DEFINITELY help you lose weight!

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        • Jweezee

          I was thinking it's funny because you're implying that they are jogging out of necessity rather than recreation. And to offer them a lift to their destination would be helping them out. I'm picturing some chick in a sports bra, spandex, and running shoes and pulling up and being like "where ya headed"? Hahahaha. I know, I'm an idiot.

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          • Pika-girl

            I know another one!

            Play "Eye of the Tiger" while driving behind them. Hehehe.

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            • Jweezee

              Haha. That's funny as hell!

              One more. Pull off a block ahead and stand by the side of the road holding inspirational signs like "if a marathon was easy it'd be called your mother" and try to hand them cups of water.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      I like these

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      • Pika-girl

        Thank you very much!

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  • howaminotmyself

    I have my own rant about joggers. As a bike commuter, I have to share the path with pedestrians, other cyclists, joggers, and tourists in those rent a bike quad contraptions. And the worst people to share the path with are joggers. Especially the moms with their jogging strollers who use their baby as a human shield to clear the path in feont of them.

    Now I am not a fast rider. I'm in no hurry to either get to work or get home. I do my best to enjoy the ride. But those damn joggers outpace me and cut me off like an assholes driver. And if the path narrows and there is only room for one, the jogger never gives you the right of way. Never. They just stay running g in that straight line and dont change speeds or move to the left or right, even an inch! They are very inconsiderate of others who share the path. Granted, some cyclists are like this too. However joggers are worse because they don't even hear you coming.

    But I will repeat. The moms with jogging strollers are the worst. Seriously the worst. I have a kid myself and I would never run into traffic with them first. Seriously self entitled jerks. And I dont care what they are wearing.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      You mean they don't hear you because they have earbuds jammed in their ears? Yah I know, whatever happened to enjoying nature?

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  • Kitkatpattywhack

    "Women who wear tiny clothes" I don't give a shit what your reasoning or about your rationalized "its the way it is!!!" Shut up and fuck off.
    "Anorexic old lady" please stop. These women are trying to stave off all sorts of terrible things that come with inactivity, if they were prone to starving themselves, they would be fucking dead or on bed rest by now. Stop trivializing a mental disorder with high as shit mortality rates.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Anorexia? Ive been anorexic myself so I know an anorexic when I see one, they have no muscle and look wasted. And its NOT a good idea to wear basically a bra and panties out in public with all the perverts out there. Would you? Or maybe you do...

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  • lolol555

    As someone who jogs, kindly fuck right off and mind your own business. A lot of the bullshit you have there is, just that, bullshit.

    1. "joggers who jog in the dark and don't wear reflective clothing!" It's bad for anyone who plans to walk across the road at night to not wear reflective clothing, regardless of whether or not they jog.
    2. "jogging with earbuds. Great way to get mugged or hit by a car/train" Again, regardless of whether you jog or not it's not a good idea. But, in all honestly, wearing earbuds doesn't make you go blind. You should still be able to see if a car's coming. Furthermore, joggers aren't likely to be mugged, firstly because we're often not running with any valuables (heavy) and secondly because a mugger would have to run up to us. It'd be a lot easier to mug a regular person walking.
    3. "women who wear tiny clothes." Doesn't apply to me but, again, none of your business. Let them worry about what their clothes may or may not mean for them.
    4. "anorexic old lady joggers who are 70 lbs and look like they are going to drop any second." None of your business x2. Maybe they just enjoy doing it, regardless of their weight?
    5. "people who jog in all sorts of bad weather, in the middle or a snowstorm or at noon when its 100 degrees" Again, not specifically for joggers. Bad idea for anyone to be out.
    6. "jogging on asphalt is bad for your joints, humans arent meant to pound rock" Running won't fuck up your joints unless you're some kind of athlete and run constantly not stop to the point where it's unhealthy.
    7. "men with their junk hanging out." Why're you looking in the first place if dislike it? It's not that hard to ignore, they're /jogging/ for christ sakes, they'll pass you in a second.

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    • Boogienights


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    • wistfulmaiden

      so you basically agree with me as you don't do the things which I said are bad.
      btw they found a woman jogger dead near where I life this morning she was raped and strangled. Im not making this up this is exactly why I think jogging is bad for you. Then I live near Philadelphia so murders happen every day :(

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      • lolol555

        No, I wholeheartedly disagree with you. And, no, jogging is good for you. Lmfao, running is fucking good for you, no matter what you say. Running means your muscles, heart and lungs are put into action and, the more they're used, the more fit you become. That means less shortness of breath, better immune system, etc.

        Just because a few people get killed doesn't mean it's bad for you. With that logic, eating is bad for you because many people choke on food and die.

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        • wistfulmaiden

          well you can live without jogging but not without food...
          Maybe this says ill of where I live but trust me if you lived around here, there is a high chance of getting shot or raped or mugged or hit by someone texting while driving. My city has more murders per capita than Philadelphia sadly and Ive been assaulted just walking to my car in a parking lot, so damned if I jog around alone.

          I guess I just don't understand why do you jog on a road/street? Why not a treadmill or a padded track or a nature trail? That's what I don't get because most of the problems I mentioned come from people jogging on streets/sidewalks.

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          • lolol555

            Doesn't make jogging any less beneficial to your health.

            And, fine, that's where you live. But, on the other hand, where I live is relatively safe. No one's been murdered within a 20 mile radius of where I live for... Wow. Probably 50 years? Maybe more? And because not everyone lives near a nature trail, so it's easier not to.

            As someone who does, that's my reasoning. It's safe, it's near, I don't have much free time each day and don't want to spend money for a gym subscription. Is it really so hard to understand?

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            • wistfulmaiden

              Fair enough, I concur you have won in this case!

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  • thegypsysailor

    I've always felt that urban joggers were probably doing more harm than good to their bodies. Most joggers jog alongside a road. Cars, spewing all kinds of toxic emissions drive on those roads alongside those joggers. The joggers are breathing in those toxic emissions much more deeply (and these toxins are being distributed throughout their bodies much more efficiently) than those not exercising and breathing deeply, so it would follow that the joggers are actually poisoning themselves much more effectively than non joggers.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Exactly, why not just walk in the park? Why not run a padded track? I know a born-again jogger (as I call them) who forces himself to jog every day and is in constant pain from arthritis and has, unbelievably, sky high cholesterol. And hes skinny as a rail. Clearly its not working.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Don't you think you're over-analyzing things, Op?

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    • wistfulmaiden

      um probably. But I meant it partly as tongue in cheek.

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  • lordofopinions

    Jogging is SO bad for your spine and knees. I have heard way too many stories of joggers that develop spine and or knee problems.

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  • Zonfire80

    This is stupid

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  • Avant-Garde

    The fact that they can get in the way of others is annoying. I always found it annoying and stressful when cyclists go into the lane with cars, instead of on the sidewalk or in a bicycle lane.

    I don't drive, but it is pure stressful when cyclists do this. I've been in traffic that got disrupted because cyclists got into the car lane and proceeded to bike slowly.

    Earlier this year, on the way home, there was an very large group of teenagers, mostly males, on bikes who were riding all over the street and pulling tricks like wheelies. No consideration for drivers. Very scary. Driving was made very difficult and the traffic got backed up. A truck driver nearly ran into one, and that driver ended up calling the police.

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  • CountessDouche

    I jog. I also like bacon. No one cares about these things...I don't find them to be post worthy. Having anger about trivial annoyances will only make your life more unpleasant. Breathe and let live.


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  • iEatZombies_

    Well it certainly sucks for you that you're so angry about something so trivial. You keep having your fun being pissy, because they'll keep having fun jogging. Hell, if they can piss you off while they do it, it should make their day. If you can be so uptight and rude, then you deserve the anguish that comes with not letting things roll off your back.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Its a trivial annoyance it doesn't ruin my life, I thought that was the point of this site. I do sometimes throw donuts at them if I happen to have one in the day one of them will pick one up and eat it, you watch.

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