Is it normal killing allies in halo 3 sexually aroused me?

So I never owned an Xbox 360 or the game in question, but I remember when visiting a family friend I would occasionally play it on his. I remember a story mode where you could kill your allies, and I mostly did it just to be a dick, but one thing was kinda weird.

Keep in mind, I was probably around 9 or 10 years old and didn’t know what a fetish was, but I had recently discovered my own sexuality, and I was attracted to one female character. I recall knocking her helmet off and killing her, and it seemed weird because(and I hope this makes sense): she had a very bossy tough attitude, and seeing her dead and helpless was such a stark contrast to that.

Hopefully I won’t come off as a weirdo but I just wanted to share this.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Mammal-lover

    Why kill them just give them a spnkr launcher get in a warthog and drive next to a rock and you'll get to witness them kill a spartan and entire squad fof you

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  • Boojum

    Nope, sorry, but you come off as a weirdo. Thanks for sharing, though.

    Seriously, kids are fucked up in very many ways. At the age you were then, there were lots of things you were trying to figure out about the world and yourself, and trying to identify what exactly it is you're feeling at that age can be difficult because you simply lack the emotional vocabulary that comes with experience.

    As long as you don't still get an erotic buzz out of attacking strong women and humiliating them IRL, I would just file this event in the box labelled "Weird Shit I Did As A Kid". Anyone who isn't in denial about what they did in their childhood has one of those hidden away in the cellar of their mind.

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    • I’m still into some weird shit but it’s all fantasy and I don’t do it irl.

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  • sm28

    best question since ever

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  • GaelicPotato

    Halo 4 is better.

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  • d0esnormalmatter

    "I don't want to come off as a weirdo"

    Chief, read the title of your mf post. It's too late already. This is weird as fuck.

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