Is it normal london, wtf?

Even with their strict gun bans, London now has a higher murder rate than New York City. The Mayor of London has stated "No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law." They are banning knives. is it normal I think this demonstrates the fact that gun control doesn't deter criminals but restricts law abiding citizens from defending themselves? What's next, banning bricks, pipes, sharp sticks?

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50% Normal
Based on 10 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 33 )
  • e51pegasi

    You haven't been able to carry a knife in public In England & Wales (not sure about Scotland) without good reason, unless it has a folding blade with a cutting edge of 3 inches or less (for EDC) since 1988 if my memory serves me right. Or to sell them to anyone under 18, that was introduced a little later, after kids started buying kitchen knives instead of hunting or 'Rambo' knives attempting to circumvent another law.

    If you have "reasonable cause", a legitimate reason to carry a larger lock knife say you are off camping, or a Stanley knife & you are a delivery driver then the police should be okay with that. Hanging round street corners with a wakizashi in a scabbard is not "reasonable cause" nor are self-defence or "I forgot I was carrying that" (This is my interpretation of the law, there is no LLB after my name).

    Knife crime in London has rocketed recently due to savage cutbacks in the numbers of police officers & the scrapping of programmes that engaged with disadvantaged inner city youths since The Great Recession.

    We now are in the same state we were 20 years ago when London was going through the self same problems. Which is the reason why the state employed all these ex gang members as well as positive role models to engage with these kids a generation ago.

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    • So how are people to defend against Jack The Ripper, Mr Hyde, carniverous sheep, werewolves, zombies, or magazine subscription salespersons?

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      • e51pegasi

        After 2 weeks of our weather they will soon fuck off to warmer climes & if that doesn't work they will have a heart attack when they receive their tax & NI bills.

        Chainsaws, nail guns, air rifles, crossbows, Stihl saws & bows, both of the Robin Hood & compound variety may also be of some use. All available freely & without a licence. If you have a legitimate reason for owning one you may be able to hold a shotgun licence as well.

        Then there's the last resort, inflict them with our food. Except the fish & chips, they can't have the fish & chips.

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        • Alichael

          Doesn't Manchester and Liverpool have even worse crime than London? That's what I've always heard. Leeds too. Those northern cities are more dangerous than anywhere in London.

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          • e51pegasi

            Not that I'm aware of. The bigger the city the the higher the deprivation in the worst areas & as a rule of thumb crime becomes more prevalent & more violent the bigger the city gets. In answer to your question as far as I know the northern cities you mention are far less dangerous than London.

            I've been both to Manchester & London several times. Personally I felt far more comfortable & safer in Manchester. It is a lively, cosmopolitan, relatively affluent bustling city. London on the other hand is in another realm, a global city in every sense. It is a non stop sensory assault. Loud, bright, relentless, fucking massive & frankly terrifying.

            Manchester is not just the actual city itsself pop 530000. There's greater Manchester, the metropolitan area 2.55million. Liverpool & Leeds have their issues also, but no more than any other similar sized cities in the UK as far as I know.

            The majority of the knife crime is gang related & the bulk of the gangs are in or around the deprived areas of London which has a population of 8.65 million roughly the same as New York City.

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            • Alichael

              Oh. Well I haven't been in the UK for a while. When I lived there in 1998-2002, a lot of people were saying that the north was more dangerous. It's probably changed a lot since then, and the crime in London got worse since then and/or the north got better.

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        • I should have known. I forgot I watched Shaun Of The Dead.

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      • lonewolf1253

        Werewolves of London? You'd need heavy artillery for those bad boys!

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      • Alichael

        Don't forget Lord Voldemort.

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        • I dare not speak his name.

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    • Nickvey

      no officers were cut yet just budget

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    • What do you think brexit is going to do to the UK?

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      • e51pegasi

        Have you got a week lol? Nah I will try to keep it short & sweet.

        The people who voted to leave the EU are living in a dream world. It will take at least 20 years to start sorting out the mountains of shit that they have created.

        The EU was by no means perfect but it is always better to be a senior, fee paying member dining at the table of a big club rather than hanging around outside the private party hoping to feed 66 million people on the morsels that are left.

        The simple & honest answer is no one knows, No country has ever triggered article 50 before.

        If pushed for an answer the UK will be significantly weaker after the 29th March 2019 at 11pm. If the 'poorly informed' that voted to leave think that the US, China, Russia or the EU are going to really give a shit about the UK, or how it fares economically post brexit, they are the greatest wishful thinkers this universe will ever bear witness to.

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        • Well at least you will still be able to have a good screwing in Dominos while waiting for pizza.

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        • Boojum

          I was never a huge fan of the EU, but I did accept there were positive things about Britain's membership. I voted Remain primarily because I was convinced that disentangling the UK from Europe would be an enormous task. I was also convinced that Britain simply isn't as important as the Brexit mob want to believe, and that the remaining EU countries and the EU as an organisation would act in their self-interest - just as organisations and countries always do.

          It would have irked me to have been proven wrong on those points, but I haven't.

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          • e51pegasi

            I spoke to a slightly older gent last year in Sainsburys about it near the newspaper stand. "We don't need the EU, we can stand on our own two feet. Besides we still have the Commonwealth, they can help us out".

            At first I thought he'd been on the ale.

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  • What about the werewolves of London, are they safe?

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    • Alichael

      Aaaaaoooorrrrrwwwwooooooooooo!!!! 🐕

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    • NO silver bullets.

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      • Shite, they’re screwed.

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        • I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic's. His hair was perfect.

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          • RoseIsabella

            I sang that in karaoke once!

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  • McBean

    Here in the U.S., the girls use fire extinguishers to display dominance sometimes. They unload them into the guy's face, then slam him in the side of the head with it. I wish Americans would learn better manners like you Londoners have.

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  • lordofopinions

    People anywhere have the right to protect themselves by any means possible

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  • Nickvey

    i lived in england during the IRA civil wars that everyone pretends never happened,

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    • e51pegasi

      Depending on your point of view of course, the IRA were a terrorist organisation. Nobody forgets over here, I was around when The Troubles were happening. We also remember where the IRA recieved the bulk of it's funding as well. It is seldom mentioned on the mainland as it is now history & because of the very fragile peace agreement/Stormont power sharing agreement that exists.

      As I live on the mainland what happens in Northern Ireland is their business & if it is to succeed it needs as little interference from Whitehall (or anywhere else for that matter) to work.

      All people care about now is that what we have in the UK & Eire now is infinitely more desirable than what it was like back then.

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  • Nickvey

    is he a muslim ?

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  • Alichael

    You can kill someone by throwing a brick or lead pipe at ones head, so they're just as dangerous at a bullet.

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    • And you can just as easily stab someone with a screwdriver, or beat someone to death with a hammer or cricket bat. And don't get me started on Honduran machete attacks or razor knives.

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      • e51pegasi

        Just run people over, even easier.

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