Is it normal male friend was turned on cause i had to pee?

I was with 2 classmates talking a trip to a training class. We got caught in traffic and I said guys I really had to pee. I asked if we could pull over but we couldn't. I noticed one male friend seemed amused I think he had a hard on.
Later I found out he texted another guy friend saying he found it hot and saying how it made him horny watching a girl crossing her legs and he was hoping I'd pee my pants.
Is this a common thing? This makes me feel soo awkward cause I thought we were platonic and why would that be a turn on for anyone, and I'm ashamed to ask anyone irl.

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22% Normal
Based on 9 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • litelander8

    Oh sure. Just about anything a female does turns a dude on.

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    • Crocotta1

      Typical man

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      If you wont send me titty pics will you atleast fart in a jar and mail it? I promise I wont open the jar...😇

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  • Clunk42

    I don't know why people are talking about "watersports fetishes". I don't think that's what this is.

    This is a very abstract topic, at least, in my opinion, so it's kind of hard to explain, but put simply, my theory is that the dude was not turned on by the urine, but rather seeing you uncomfortable. I doubt it was even for any sort of sadistic reason, either. As I said, it's really hard to explain that sort of thing, and it isn't a fetish, but it is a thing.

    Ultimately, though, I think you'll both be fine. He's just turned on by his things, as all guys are. I'm fairly certain most guys have at least been aroused by their female friends at least once, for some reason or another. Of course, I wouldn't know; I don't have any female friends.

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  • newnormal

    It's a dude of course, but let's give him an answer. Yeah there are many shits that turn people on. I wanted my gf to pee in my mouth but the moment she did it i was disgusted by it. So lesson learned from it is that you may think something disgusting is hot but in real life it is considered disgusting for a reason.

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  • Tinybird

    Classmates???? Yep not normal

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  • Meatballsandwich

    It's a fairly common fetish actually.

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    • Crocotta1

      As a female I have this when it’s a guy.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If he finds you attractive its gonna be hard to just be platonic friends cause hes always gonna want to fuck you. You can still be friends but thatll probably always happen.

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  • jackstormwater

    If anything most guys don’t like to be reminded that girls also poop and pee. It’s kind of a running joke actually because it’s just not a very attractive image. This guy has a fetish.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I feel like this is a dude asking this question

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