Is it normal my area is getting taken over by star wars nerds

I'm from OZ, I love footy, beer, and roootin shealas. But lately I've noticed an in flux in star wars nerds that dress like obscure characters from Star Wars like Ewoks and even 'Emporers royal gaurd' (you know the red dude)except there costume is black!?!?

And they walk around everyday dressed like this WTF! I even saw 1 working at Macca's (McDonalds)

So IIN, are they taking over your town?

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64% Normal
Based on 14 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    i gots the same thang at myall hometown except with the movie deliverance steada star wars

    i personally tries to emulate smokey and the bandit every time i drives

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  • Redcoats

    You sneaky, sneaky racist.

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  • Scifiking6665

    You act as if we star wars fans are subterranean mole men, star wars has more than earned its fanbase, and we star wars fans enjoy beer and sex as much as anybody so dont try and act like its a plague or something, just live and let live my friend.

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