Is it normal my argument for being an atheist?

If God exists, why does he let innocent people be born with a disability or suffer in other ways? Why should someone like me - with a caring family, friends, a good career, nice car, and internet access - have all these things, when there are people who - through no fault of their own, or for lack of opportunity - have practically nothing? What makes my prayers more important than theirs? What makes my life more precious than theirs? All over the world, there is widespread inequality and injustice that goes virtually unchecked and unpunished. No divine entity that is worthy of worship and respect would let something like this continue. I don't want to put my prayers in a God who puts me above others, simply for the luck of the circumstances of my birth. So much of who we eventually become is rooted in who our parents are and what environment we are born into, whether we are born with a gift or a disability, or into money or into poverty. So much of what our life is like is determined when we first come into this world, and that is an utterly unfair world. A God who doesn't love all his children equally is not a God who I want to love.

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87% Normal
Based on 15 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Freedom_

    I'm gonna get all philosophical on ya.

    What if God is stopping all of these things from happening, but we are only perceiving them as something continuous because, in our perception, the process is so slow as to seem to us never-ending?

    What if you, at some point in time and space, had to suffer a similar misfortune yourself, perhaps in order to grow, to fit the role of your current life? Such as how we all must forego the traumatic experience of being born into this world, yet somehow such suffering taught us to breathe air, the most important lesson for one who lives, albeit one that no one can remember.

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    • green_boogers

      Ok, and your point is what?

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    • VinnyB

      That's a pile of nonsense.

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  • JD777

    Yeah, some people refer to this as The Problem of Evil. It's been debated by theologians, philosophers, atheists, and others since before the birth of Christ.

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  • thegypsysailor

    If there is a gawd, it is a horrible malignancy. Mankind is but a fly it chooses to tear the wings off, for no other reason than it's own sadistic pleasure.
    My father was an emergency room surgeon and over his career he saved countless lives with his skilled hands.
    After retirement he got some kind of disease that made his hands shake so badly he couldn't eat, brush his teeth or any of the other things that normal people do for themselves.
    In what universe should a great, skilled, lifesaving surgeon spend the last 20 years of his life unable to do the simplest things that even a toddler can do? Those wonderful talented hands useless.
    I prefer to believe that there is no gawd, rather than believe that any creature could be that horrendously heartless and cruel.

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    • your story breaks my heart. your father was a wonderful generous man and for him to suffer in this way is a terrible injustice.

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      • thegypsysailor

        Even though we did not get along, I respected him a great deal and I was furious FOR him, over the injustice (good word) of his disability.

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  • green_boogers

    And so, the evidence says that if there is a God, he doesn't give a fuck. Don't let religion dissuade you from the obvious.

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