Is it normal my boyfriend is submissive to his dog

He's had a miniature pinscher for a little over 5 years now and she kinda runs his life. She'll sit or jump at the backdoor when she wants to go outside and no matter what he's doing at the time he'll stop and get up to let her out. The problem is that sometimes she wants to go out and come back in every five minutes or so and each time he immediately gets up to let her in or out. It annoys him greatly. If he's watching anything he'll pause it to get up every time. I don't understand why he doesn't just finish what he's doing and then let her out/in. She has puppy pads inside so it's not like she's going to have an accident.

If he has to leave the house to go anywhere she just has to go too. If she was well behaved in the car it wouldn't be a big deal but she is a horrible car rider. She stays in his lap as he's driving and stomps all over his balls while trying to sniff out the window. He has to either keep rolling the window down or keep the window down (regardless of the weather) because otherwise she'll repeatedly scratch at the window during the entire ride.

The worst thing is probably how she is with treats. When she wants a treat she'll come in the room, sit, then start doing this "talking" thing. It's pretty cute actually. But if you don't give her what she wants in a timely manner she'll get louder and louder and just bark like crazy. My boyfriend has very little tolerance for this and will always just give in. Sometimes she might just want 3 milk bones in a day, but other times she could bark for a treat every 5 minutes (if even that) and end up with 10+ milk bones by the end of the day.

So basically he gives her what she wants when she wants it no matter how inconvenient it may be for him. He loves her like a daughter but he has spoiled her way too much.

She's not a puppy so her habits would be very hard to break. He can't afford training classes for her and he doesn't have the patience to train her himself. Neither do I unfortunately.

I would like to add that she is also a huge cockblock. If she hears so much as a kissing noise she'll come in and bark until we stop whatever we're doing. Sometimes when we stop she'll be satisfied and leave but other times she'll just stay there. Then my bf with completely disregard me and only be concerned about what she wants and will do anything to make her feel better again. This, of course, destroys the mood. This is just too much.

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22% Normal
Based on 37 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • NeofelisNebulosa

    Just start ignoring her and make the "Chhhh" noise when she misbehaves, like how Cesar Millan does on the Dog Whisperer. She is indeed running the show and she probably views herself as the alpha. It's not her fault though, it's your boyfriend's for spoiling her.

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    • I'll give him this suggestion. I've tried to explain the "pack mentality" to him but he seems to be most concerned about hurting her feelings. It's kinda sad.

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      • Short4Words

        It's very important one of you asserts your role as the alpha and maintains that relationship. I tried the chh noise myself and it worked on my 8 year old lab. I got her to walk off the leash but as soon as my dad started walking her again she stopped listening to me.

        Maybe you should be pack leader.

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        • I would like to give it a shot. I don't think he'll be very open to the idea but I'll talk to him about it. Thank you.

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      • NeofelisNebulosa

        Aw, it won't hurt her feelings! Dogs are happy when they know their spot in the pack. She will be happy knowing who the leader is. Dogs are much calmer when they have someone to follow.

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        • I will try to explain this to him.

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  • Short4Words

    He needs to control his bitch.

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  • snarkygirl

    Tell your boyfriend to grow some( balls that is:)

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