Is it normal my brother got hard when i sat on his lap?
We were going on a family trip, and there was not enough space for all of us in the seats, so I had to sit in my older brother's lap.. Well, he got hard immediatly and remained like this for practically the whole trip (1 hour at least).It didnt help the road was very bumpy , which means i kept grinding against his thing.We made a stop somewhere along the way because he said he wanted to pee but I think he did *other* things instead , considering how long it took him to come back. Since then things between my brother and I have been very awkward... I get very embarassed and a bit disturbed when i remember so have not bought up this subject, just act like nothing happened. He on the other hand seems to be avoiding me, doesn't even look me in the eyes anymore. I sat on his lap several times in the past, but dont remember anything like this ever happening either. IIN? Should I talk to him?:S
Oh and he's 20 btw..