Is it normal my cat doesnt throw up hairballs?

Ive had several cats and they occasionally threw up hairballs from grooming. My current cat has never done it. If the throws up its usually watery of some kind of food that doesn't agree with him. He grooms himself as much as any cat so where is all that fur going? Is he pooping it out or does he have a giant furball in his stomach? OK that sounds kind of stupid but Im worried about my kitty.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • the_berry_taco

    It just means that you're probably grooming him properly (ie, removing the fur before they can) or that they don't shed that much. You should be concerned about an obstruction if your cat loses their appetite, vomits up all their food, and then vomits up green, frothy bile.

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  • naturefortheworld

    not all the hair from licking itself comes out in a hairball. lots of cats do the same as yours is doing.

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  • wistfulmaiden

    good to know there are others

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  • SkullsNRoses

    I've had a cat for over 9 years and he's not coughed one up once. Your pus is most likely fine.

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  • dasugaknows

    I never seen my cat cough up a hairball either. I have seen other cats I've owned do it all the time though. My cat is 4 years old and healthy and a very clean kitty. I believe he does take pride in cleaning himself because his coat is always so shiney and clean, much cleaner than the others.

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    • mine is always very clean and his fur is the nicest of my cats fur.

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