Is it normal my dad makes me feel bad for eating?

I usually don't eat that much I often only have one large meal (dinner) and might have a snack or two before/after. After I have dinner if I go and get a snack like a piece of fruit or bowl of yoghurt my dad often acts surprised and then says "your eating AGAIN?!" which makes me feel really bad and guilty. I struggle with an eating disorder and it makes me want to harm myself for eating because it makes me feel like a horrible person that I feel hungry and want to eat. He does this to me almost everyday.

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9% Normal
Based on 23 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • MrsAsher

    Hun you really shouldn't worry about your weight. If your hungry eat. Its not like your only eating junk food. It shouldn't matter what size you are as long as your comfortable with yourself.

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  • Somenormie

    Your dad is likely concerned about you.

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  • SwickDinging

    My mother used to do this sort of thing. I was far too thin, and so was she, but I didn't see it at the time. It really fucked me up in a multitude of ways.

    Please go and see a GP and speak to them about your weight and your diet/lifestyle. A purely factual, health driven assessment from a medical professional will let you know whether or not your weight is healthy, and if it isn't they will be able to help you start moving towards healthy.

    I would completely ignore everything that your father says to you about food and weight. You need an outside perspective.

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  • darefu

    First, You said you have an eating disorder, that could mean lots of things.
    Second, Are you overweight? I don't care to know, just something to think about. It could prompt comments about your eating habits.
    Third, Your self admitted eating habit. Mainly not eating all day then a lot in the evening. If they're only observing the evenings then it can appear you are always eating. I do this sometimes and I get comments from my SO. However, I also like to eat healthy and at times have eaten up to 8 or 10 times in a day, normally small snacks like fruit or veggies, but it appears like I'm always eating and results in comments.
    Fourth, you could be eating more than you know. Keep a log book of everything you eat for a week. You may be surprised.

    Last,all this being said it's really none of his business, unless you're overweight and unhealthy(he cares), or he's paying for the food.

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    • I'm slightly overweight which is why I've been restricting my food intake. I don't eat a lot, I have one average/normal sized meal at dinner and either snack on small things like fruits, nuts, etc. I track everything I eat and count every calorie and carb I put in my body, I know I'm definitely not overeating but despite my efforts of restricting my eating habits it feels like my dad just wants to put me down no matter what which makes me just give up and starve myself for a day or two. The way he reacts is as if I shouldn't be eating anything at all.

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      • darefu

        Starving even for short periods can be counter productive. If you must eat only one full meal per day either make it breakfast or at least earlier in the day with only healthy snacks afterwards.

        If you're only eating 1500 calories a day there may be underlying health issues. Please go see a Dr. or dietitian.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Whats easier than counting calories is just eating less. Less snacking less food period. Just eat less. Like a lot less. You dont need 4 meals a day. Thats not good with our lifestyles of sitting around all day. Look up intermittent fasting.

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        • I don't eat 4 meals a day, I eat one main meal around dinner and either have a piece of fruit after/before or something small like yogurt or nuts. I eat under 1500 calories a day and exercise for at least 2 hours a day

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think you should exercise more instead of starving yourself!

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  • Grunewald

    My dad does that too, when I visit. He does it because he tends to overeat and Mum calls him out on it, and he wants to get one over someone else in order to feel better about himself.

    Maybe do what I do and keep a secret snack stash in your room. Sure, it'll cost you more than your usual contribution to household groceries (if you make one) but it's worth it for the privacy. Make sure your snack foods keep well unrefrigerated and are filling, and aren't full of empty calories. Fresh fruit is handy in this respect. Pickled or brined foods in glass jars keep quite well in a cool, dry place (although the salt overload isn't great for you). Peanuts are also a personal choice for the nutritional content, despite being full of fat. It doesn't take many of them to energise you.

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  • my_life_my_way

    He might mean it as encouraging and it’s just coming across wrong

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    • bigbudchonger

      You often say resonable stuff that get's downvoted to oblivion. Op has already admitted s/he is overweight. The dad probably noticed it too and just wants to help.

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      • my_life_my_way

        I think people don’t like me more than they don’t like the comments 🤣

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