Is it normal my dog always chewing on himself or scratching?

I bathe him once a week. But he still chews and scratches himself.. except when eating, sleeping, walking or playing.. He's a miniature dachshund 5 yr old.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • sweetone89

    Others...fleas. Do you treat him for fleas? He may need a flea bath,

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  • sweetone89

    You may be bathing him too often. Dry skin. Maybe an allergy to the soap/shampoo you use?

    We only bathed my dogs once a month and these were long haired, bushy dogs.

    You are probably overdoing his bathing. Also, were any pesticides or chemicals sprayed around your house recently?

    Do you see an lesions on his skin, anywhere?

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  • litelander8

    JAX AND DAISY. It literally saved my last dog who had terrible skin issues and really helped my current dog. It’s miraculous shit.

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  • bubsy

    It's more likely he just needs more stimulation. Like how you check your phone whenever you're bored.

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  • Vvaas

    he could maybe have some sort of allergy to something, or possibly fleas. I'd say take him to the vet to test for different allergies to rule it out. it could also be a behavioural thing but again seeing a vet would be your best bet in working it out

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    • capman

      Thanks, I already took him to the vet.. he got a skin disease. 10 pills (viceton)-antibiotic.

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      • Vvaas

        damn that sucks bro hope your dog feels better soon

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