Is it normal my ex coworker is this much of a sleezebag?

So my coworker had a crush on me which I knew. They would get boners anytime I ended up around them. Considering my coworker was barely 21 I did not blame them. I am nearly 30 so I know that youngins sometimes have issues controlling their parts. Anyways my coworker ended up getting me fired due to the stupid work policy and thier utter stupidity in making the situation worse. I essentially got fired since my work does not like us taking sick leave. I talked to a lawyer and labor board and they said this is very illegal and I can sue my company right now. Anyways my coworker said they wanted to go on a date once before I go. I said sure, and asked if they wanted go the bar and get drinks. They declined and than asked if I would take thier virginity instead. They also had the nerve to present the idea as this wholesome thing like me taking their virginity from them would be a special thing. I am a little insulated since they literally cost me my job, I am about to be homeless and all they have to say is "Can I get some tail". I like "Ya could at least offer to pay for me to degrade myself considering you cost me my employment". Also I was low key trying to see if I could score some free things since I am stressed right now and I regularly turn to drinking when stressed.

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Comments ( 22 )
  • Tommythecaty

    “They would get boners anytime I ended up around them. I am nearly 30 so I know that youngins sometimes have issues controlling their parts.”

    What thirty year old actually speaks/describes things like this.

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    • Ummitsstillme

      These whippersnappers with their hormones and pointy parts.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Oh the darn pointy parts, it’s endless.

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    • RoseIsabella

      It sounds like something someone from Appalachia would say.

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    • Apologies, would you like me to use a different type of pattern? I have changed it before. When I go back to speaking how I normally would I am told I sound uneducated. Also I am attempting to be... Polite with my speaking.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Are you from Appalachia? And did you find any gold yet, or is it all boners?!!

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      • RoseIsabella

        Are you from Appalachia?

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  • CDmale4fem

    My thoughts - you might have thought it was "cute" to a degree seeing them get aroused from seeing you. But that should have been the time you went to HR and they would be homeless now instead of you.
    They are just like the rest of the egotistical jack asses that they just wanted another notch in their headboard. They probably just wanted to "hit it and quit it". I'm a guy and guys like that really piss me off.

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    • I mean given the fact we didn't have any other trained people I likely would have quit if they left sooner.

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  • jrbsportz

    Sorry that you lost your job but those freaking pansies asses young men are punks and if i was there I take their virginity by shoveling stick up there ass breaking it off for getting you fired I dont know you or where you live but check out Howmet Areospace might be something I just dont want you to be frustrated towards men and hope that you can rebound from this situation your stick man lol from hard rock dude

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  • SwickDinging

    Your post is a bit confusing - I understand that you were sexually harassed by this co-worker, but then why were you fired?

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    • Its not important. I was concerned with the second part.

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      • RoseIsabella

        If you're fired then you don't have to see him anymore. Just stop taking his calls, and ghost him.

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  • litelander8

    If you’re suing the company, which you absolutely should, DO NOT FRATERNIZE WITH ANYONE ASSOCIATED WITH THEM. Didn't your lawyer tell you that??

    Knock it off!

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    • I am not. My ex coworker keeps trying to get in my pants. My lawyer has not told me really anything.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You didnt give enough details about what got you fired

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  • I did have the idea of promising tail and than walking away without providing any service and stealing a bunch of cash from this desperate idiot. Though its a bit late at this point.

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    • dude_Jones

      Well, good that you didn't. But there is a saying in the business, "Don't sell anything that you wouldn't give away for free." This means if you can relax and get him to try to connect with you, you shouldn't feel bad about the money. Just don't make a habit of this. If you do, it will eventually turn your soul into a piece of concrete.

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      • That is a stupid saying. If you have to pay for something it means I do not like providing the service, that or the service is a hassle of me and you compensating for my time. If its charity its out of kindness but if you begging for something someone is not offering to give than you should at least offer a return.

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        • dude_Jones

          Well in your case, the return is money. You need money, he has it to give you, and he knows you will appreciate it. On the other hand, probably no girl will ever have sex with him and he wants to express his gratitude for the fulfillment that you are giving his heart. He may never get it again.

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  • CDmale4fem

    I would say this.
    1st) was HR aware of the sexual harrassment ?
    2nd) Was anything said to the "youngin", ie: warnings or suspended for anytime ?
    3rd) Now that what's done is done, dont you wish you would have yelled a bit more to management than you did ?

    I use to work at a federal job, I was suspended because of something that happened between myself, the woman i was dating, and her husband. She was mail order bride and was t happy in her marriage and If she divorced she was afraid she would have to go back to the Philipines. ANYWAY, i was accused of sexual harrasment because of a conversation her and I had when she was at home and I was at home. I had said something to her and she took it way out or context and it got blown way out of proportion each time someone else told the story. Well, my point is, TAKE NO PRISONERS, HOLD NOTHING BACK, SUE THEM FOR SO MUCH YOU WONT HAVE TO WORK FOR A FEW YEARS. You asked them nice to knock it off. You even overlooked their boners when they approached you in the lunch room (or wherever). The thing is the managment should have stopped it right away.
    I'm a guy and I know that sort of stuff is not right on any level esp at work. It seems pretty fucked up and backwards that you got fired. It should have been the "boys" that should have been fired. If you have a pretty much aur tight case then why should you suffer because those idiots were trying to get laid at work ?

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    • I mean I really did not judge them for simply getting a boner since I know its not a VOLENTEERY function. Men have gotten boners when sleeping so its not really intentional. They did apologize about the boners before but I said it was fine as I know its not something one can always control. Just like a female can not help that occasionally they BLEED between their legs. They messaged me after I left the company and said "Can we still go on the date". I said I was leaving town and likely going to be homeless. They said the me getting fired for being sick was aggravated because of them and admitted to being the one who got me fired. Which I think we have a very unfair worksick policy already. Out of an act of kindness I said fine and gave them a day I would not be working. Than they decided to bail last minute and like "Oh hey would it be cool if we just fucked" and have asked me if I would "Have sex" and do other sexual favors for them in the past. I mean I thought perhaps was giving off the impression I was a cheap tramp. Which concerned me since that is a bad image to have at work. I not sure how they got the impression that simply straight up asking your coworker for sex was anywhere near okay. What bothered me most is even after knowing I was going to be homeless and just got fired they still trying to munipulate me into getting tail. Like seriously, why would you try taking advantage of someone in this kind of situation? Like before I had a job so it like "Sure" but WHY NOW? WHY NOW? I mean the timing, and the fact they really think I am that dumb when I am much smarter than they are.

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