Is it normal my fathers best friend took my used panty liners from the garbage?

This is a very creepy experience and im not sure what to do... my fathers best friend who visits our house 2 or 3 times a week and often hangs out on weekends etc took some of my used panty liners from my washroom garbage... how i found out about it is shamefull to admit but I went through his briefe case looking for money to steal... me and my friends have stolen quite often from my parents and theirs ,,, usually very small money etc ... anyway when i looked in his briefe case pocket i found 3 used liners there and i know for sure there mine.... its very disturbing and sick to me ... he's close to 60 and im 17 ... i think if my father found out he would go crazy,,, but Im confused if i should say nothing ,, or admit how i found out about this .... also im really not comfortable talking about this to my father,,, should i just ignore it all? and keep my room door locked when he's here? I dont have any idea why he would want to steal used panty liner its so sick... i would guess he's got a crush on me or something.. this really creeps me out ... it makes me wonder what else has he done ,, espically when i was younger growing up.

Voting Results
57% Normal
Based on 270 votes (155 yes)
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Comments ( 14 )
  • Ribbit.

    If you say somthing, they`ll find out you`re stealing and you may ruin a friendship, but if you say nothing, thats just as bad. What I would do is put more in the garbage and watch to see him go in that washroom, (assuming it happens a second time)and then perhaps ask why he`s taking a briefcase into the washroom with him. Or somthing like that, I dunno, just a suggestion. Good luck.

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  • Math

    I personaly love to steal panties from the trash and I voted ''not normal'' But mostly because you are so young and it's wrong to think he might want to have sex with you :/

    I don't know his reason, but mine is that I love to save them from the worst ending possible (the trash). When I find a pair in the trash can of my appartment complex and then see the garbage truck emptying the bin where the underwears were and pack it with nasty garbage, I feel great to have it safe with me. I know how weird it is and can't do anything to remove this fetish. And I do pre wash them and then wash them twice. I like if they are stained, to remind me where they belong, but to be clean so I can touch them and even wear them (I'm not into crossdressing, but like to wear them just because I saved them), I do the same if I find girls shirts or pants. They are still pretty and I find it sad that they have to go the the worst place on earth. But for exemple, I would't wear or even sniff any underwear in a laundry basket, because my fetish isn't only about underwears, but the fact that they were abandonned and that I saved them. I always think about where they would be if I didn't stole them in the trash. I have this fetish for at least 20 years, but it's only few months ago that I first started by taking the undies and clothes that my girlfriend was tossing away, and then when I left her, since I got used to save undies, I started looking at the bags in the shared trash cans of my building. I wouldn't take undies from any bags on the street not knowing from who they belong, but there's only 3 women's who live in my complex and they are all pretty and are in serious relationship so the risk of finding a pair that belong to a women with STD is more limited.

    And I don't feel bad at all towards them for 2 reasons. First they discarded them, so it's not stealing even if they wouldn't agree, they are not aware and it change nothing in their life and it can almost be considered as recycling haha. And second cause they're all also tossing good clothes that have any damage or stain on them while we live in one of the poorest city of our country... I feel like it's a revenge of life for them to not give away the good clothes to women shelter or wtv. I did once washed clothes (not undies) that were brand new (some still had the price tag) and were in a separate bag from the kitchen/bathroom trash and donated them since it was too much to keep all and they were not very sexy anyway.

    So yes, even for me I would vote ''not normal'' but considering your difference in age, that's even worst. I would NEVER even think of taking undies from any girls who are under 21 years old. Even 21, I would think she might had it since she was under 18 and just that would totaly turn me off...

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  • Eastcoast

    You should sell him your pads

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  • RewindEve

    Older men. Especially ones without children can be incredibly sexually perverted. Especially with girls that are not yet eighteen. This IS weird. And you should not allow him to be near you or talk to you.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I really don't want to fathom, much less, actually know what he has been doing with them.

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  • Avant-Garde


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  • misscrusher

    Had this happen to me before except with my underwear. My step dads friends were over they would steal my underwear from the trash can in the bathroom. It didnt really bother me cause they were trash anyway.

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  • mae94

    yes maybe a crush, but nothing he could do about it so he probably feels frustrated... or perhaps he is testing it for male dna, to see if your sexualy active as a favor to your father ~ but that's something you should know about if your father is very strict and scared of you getting pregnant before a uni degree.

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    • RewindEve

      That explanation for crude behaviour worries me. DNA testing? Why would an old man of no relation have any desire to do something so radical. It is simple. He is a pervert. Run -

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  • GeorgeMcBob

    Buy some heroin or crystal meth with the money you stole. Every time you throw your panty liners away, put a little bit of the drug on them. Keep increasing the dosage over the next few months. When he's good and hooked, stop spiking your liners. He'll go cold turkey and get desperate. Wait until he does something stupid, like sticking his hand into your pants. At this point you tell him you'll give him the good stuff if he does "favours" for you.

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  • cooldavid

    It seems creepy but ultimately harmless.

    Maybe you should confront him and blackmail him. Perhaps he would pay handsomely for a few pairs of your panties?

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    • Failedcasanova

      So wrong but i love that idea.

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  • aussiewolf

    thats just disgusting!! well you never mentioned anything about how he looks at you or treats you or anything like that so i doubt he did anything when you were a kid. maybe throw your liners in the wheelie bin instead of an indoors bin.
    but looking at it from a different point of view. since you have stolen so much from your parents, he could be setting you up to see whether you will steal from him too.

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  • honestop

    That's what happens when you steal

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