Is it normal my friend acts this way towards me?

I have a friend who has grown up in a very dysfunctional family and has been raised with some very self absorbed, negative, and ungrateful people who think everything should be handed to them and that the world is owed to them. They are also all unable to accept responsibility for their actions and like to point the blame elsewhere, and are class A victims.

The good about him: He can be very sweet when he wants to. He's been there for me during hard times in my life, done sweet things for me unexpectedly and tried to help me out with several things, and he's been my friend forever.

The bad: Like his family, he can be incredibly self absorbed, negative, ungrateful, entitled, and even sometimes cruel. If even the slightest thing doesn't go his way, he gets in a foul mood and takes it out on me or pouts like a baby, feels sorry for himself and throws himself a pity party, and indulges in it rather than trying to better his mood. He will allow something really stupid and minor like being asked to do a chore he doesn't feel like doing or a family member getting short with him over something dumb (I get it's frustrating, but it's nothing worth laying in bed and moping all day about) ruin his entire day. Then he'll get annoyed at me merely for existing.

He never wants to compromise on anything and never cares about whether or not I'm also enjoying what we're doing when we hang out, it always has to be about him. If we do one thing I want to do, he acts like it's going to kill him. He acts like a child about it.

He loves to bitch and refuses to look at anything positive at all. He tries to make everything into a pity party about how unlucky he is, even though his so-called "bad luck" is mostly self inflicted or at least in his control.

He has never had to work for anything in his life and has always been given things, so when I made the mistake of helping him buy something when he couldn't afford it, he began to feel entitled to my money and even lied to me about having no money so I would help him, and then he turned around and bought a video game. That was very hurtful and I quit helping him after that. He likes to play the victim there and say that since I'm "rich" according to him, I should help him. I'm not rich, I just work for my money and don't blow it all on leisure.

He's also said things to deliberately try to hurt me, almost as if he doesn't like the idea of me having any confidence or self worth. I think he's afraid I'll abandon him as a friend or something. He's insulted me and tried to brush it off as a "joke", basically called me annoying to my face and rolled his eyes at me all because I smiled at something that made me happy and he can't stand to see me happy for whatever reason because everything has to be a negative bitch fest with him.

He also ignores 90% of my texts and calls unless they involve me doing something nice for him like taking him with me to go do something fun. He makes up excuses every single time about being busy when all he does is play video games all day, and he's constantly not too busy to text other people when we're together. I honestly feel like he only uses me and doesn't consider me a friend. I even asked him if I was really his friend or if he just uses me because I'm the only one who still hangs out with him, and he said "That's one reason, but it's not the only one".

I care about this friend deeply and I've never taken this much shit off of anyone in my life, but I feel taken advantage of and am tired of being treated like shit. He has some serious issues that his family refuses to help him with, and I feel that I'm the only one who cares and tries to. This is hard.

Voting Results
17% Normal
Based on 6 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    You need to put aside those caring feelings and cut him out of your life. He's a burden and he's only going to get worse.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You need to take a break from this person.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Too long my dude.

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    • Sorry, all the details are important, though.

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