Is it normal my friend is always falling asleep

Whenever im texting my friend he very often says he just woke up from a nap or that he accidently fell asleep on the couch or if he disappears for a while when he comes back he says it's because he fell asleep on the couch. He looks very tired too he has tired eyes i've always noticed this, like he's tired or he just woke up. I dont know how often he sleeps but he takes many naps a day from what I can tell and falls asleep very often. Is it really normal to always be just falling asleep randomly when you're sitting at the computer??

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24% Normal
Based on 17 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • olderdude-xx

    There are a varity of medical reasons that can cause this.

    He needs to see a Dr and have a thorough review of all the possibilities.

    Your fiend may have more than 1 of these things. I had sleep apnea and IGG allergy food reactions which made me exhausted.

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  • girlinadarkcorner

    I had that problem for a while when I was off work and spending most of my time inside. It might just be that he's not being active causing him to have less energy, or it could be an underlying medical issue like others have pointed out.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Maybe he has sleep apnea, or hypothyroidism, or both?

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  • pinkpotato9

    He could have sleep apnea or another sleep related disorder. Either way it wouldn’t hurt for him to get it checked out. Being able to fall asleep easily and during random times of the day is usually a sure sign of a sleep related disorder.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Look into his eyes are his pupils like tiny pins? Nothing but opioids makes your pupils tiny pins and has you lookin like a zombie

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    • No and he would never touch stuff like that he is very straight edge

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  • unrecognizable_rat

    that could be a case of hypersomnia

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    No. Could be many things including depression, low blood pressure, or even narcolepsy.

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