Is it normal my friend reacted this way to a joke?
So, the other night me and my two closest friends were playing a drinking game. I can't remember exactly how this conversation got started. I think it was when one of my friends brought up that I should get back into online dating, even though I explained before that it never worked for me.
I like to joke about things, and everybody who knows me knows this. I said I had a new boyfriend named Art Vandelay who is an importer/exporter of latex goods. For those of you who don't know, it's a running gag from Seinfeld. The name "Art Vandelay" was used in various ruses George came up with. After a few minutes I told them it was a joke.
My friend suddenly got very upset. She accused me of lying and said "all I do is lie", then proceeded to compare it to the lying and gaslighting she experienced from her biological father and ex boyfriends, then asked how much money was really in my bank account because she suspected I lied about that. I will admit I lied by omission when I was still with my ex, like I didn't tell anybody I stayed with him after he became very emotionally (and sometimes physically) abusive. But that's an old thing and I still feel bad. And I haven't told anyone exactly how much of my debts I still owe, because that's personal.
Later she apologized for going off, but said it was a trigger for her. I apologized too. I'm very much aware that her father is a piece of crap and her exes have lied to her and stuff. I just made a joke that I thought was innocent. However she seems to have forgotten all about it, she hasn't brought it up since. Is her reaction normal or was this insensitive of me?