Is it normal my friend's dog did this
Okay so my friend's daughter tried to take a selfie with the dog, but the dog kept running away. why would a dog have a problem with being in a selfie? is this normal dog behavior?
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Okay so my friend's daughter tried to take a selfie with the dog, but the dog kept running away. why would a dog have a problem with being in a selfie? is this normal dog behavior?
Because doges cannot speak like us they will either bite your face off or run away when they don't agree with something.
I think the dog either:
a) didn't want their animal partner to get jealous
b) the dog thought the girl was just WAY too ugly to be seen with in the same photo, esp on social media. Dog has a reputation to keep
Its normal my dog not like me to take a picture of him eather I have to seek them in. I think it's because cameras take part of your soul if you look in to the camera when taking a picture
My sister's poodle can't stand all puppy paparazzi that follow him around.