Is it normal my greatest fear is becoming a reality and i don't know what to do
I'm not sure how to feel. I went to see a psychiatrist today. It's funny how sitting there talking to a stranger about the problems you're having makes you realize "this isn't normal, not even in the slightest." Maybe it's because I hide my feelings. I have no one to talk to about this and never have. I'm fairly good at it that today I realized I've been lying to myself too. I think I still am.
I feel guilty for being so upset. I feel like I'm overreacting and why the hell am I complaining when others have it a lot worse than I do. Even after my doctor told me he's more concerned than usual about the typical patient who walks into his office. He couldn't give me a diagnosis yet and said labeling someone isn't as important as treating the person, but he said he thinks I'm likely to develop into schizophrenia so he put me on an antipsychotic. He said the only reason (not only but major) I was sitting there in his office was because I've never taken any drugs.
So now I don't know how to feel. I grew up with a family member who has schizophrenia (which is why it's my greatest fear) and it was horrible to watched and horrible to experience. I don't want to end up like that. I don't want anyone to suffer with me. I'm scared.