Is it normal my hand still hurts after 4 weeks ?

I injured my left hand approximately four weeks ago . I first thought the next day that it was bruised . The pinky and area below it , I suppose where the rest of the bone and tissue runs along is very sore . I can't even pick up a cooking pot or pan without feeling the pain due to the weight . It doesn't hurt unless pressure by weight or squeezing etc. is applied . I was wondering what possibilities are here ? hair line fracture , just some bruising ? I am wondering if I should go see the doctor or will they simply say "we can not do anything , you must wait it out months to heal naturally" what do you all think? I was going to attempt back in the gym and even though I really "shouldn't" due to a muscle injury in my nack / trap region .. I want to try anyways but I fear the weight will not only hurt but do more damage . I want some advice regardless of that though :) thank you

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Comments ( 9 )
  • JD777

    I agree with the others, you need to see a doc. In the meantime, if it just hurts up by your little finger joint, tape your little finger to your ring finger. If the pain goes down towards you wrist, get one of those wrist to hand splints from the drug store and wrap it on. Try not to lift or twist with the area that hurts. Hope all turns out ok for you.

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    • Aries

      Thanks JD , I will take your advice :)

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  • chained_rage

    Anyone can go to a doctor to fix a dislocated or broken bone.. but it takes a real man to let a dentist do it rather

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    • Aries

      I will see what my dentist says LOL xD

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  • thegypsysailor

    After this length of time, I'm guessing it isn't a sprain. Without immobilization, a break certainly could hurt significantly for more than a month.
    As above, see a doctor.

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    • Aries

      thanks gypsy , I will go tomorrow for sure . I hope I haven't been stupid by waiting this long already . I just thought it was a bruise and I know those can take time to heal when in those areas but there is no discoloration and it's still painful so I am now worried it may be something else that needs a doctors advice .

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      • thegypsysailor

        Good luck and I hope I'm wrong.

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  • Ellenna

    Don't go to the gym, consult a doctor

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    • Aries

      thanks Ellenna , I think you are right but wasn't sure .

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