Is it normal my job keeps making me show up with bronchitis

I been sick for over 9 days. I also was told by my doctor I have a weakened immune system so I guess am having a hard time getting better. I was told my cell count is abnormal. I had the flu but it became severe and turned into bronchitis. The entire sickness I came to work since even though I told them I got out of ER the ER said I was fine to return to work. I went to my PC three days after the ER visit and was told "it turned into bronchitis". They gave me medicine and even on the medicine I still was sent home from work twice for being too sick to be at work. Knowing this I finally get an off day after still attending work while hacking up mucas and blood and drooling everywhere. Now on my off day my boss is asking me cover extra shifts. I'm going to get others sick and probably die at work. Why does everyone want me to work with this illness? I'm also highly infectious. My work is literally insane as this risks infecting customers, coworkers, the owner and my boss themselves. I'm literally have stopped in the middle of work to hack up phlegm and got stuck sitting against the bathroom walk cuase I couldn't get up. However, since it's not COVID asking for a sick day is not a priority or right.

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Comments ( 5 )

    Bronchitis is highly contagious and it’s negligent for them to force you to work with it. They’re jeopardizing your health and that of everyone with whom you come in contact. Ask your doctor to give you FMLA. They have to give it to you by law. After you get well, look for another job. Why would you want to continue to work for heartless and unethical people?

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    • I have since recovered. I am now dealing with the fact they have recently decided to triple my workload. I have two part time jobs and I'm stressed cuase physically I was able push that yesterday but I'm running out of energy. I'm going to get fired for underperforming and I don't know what else to do. Also stupid ER doctor wrote on my paperwork first time I'm fine to work which I clearly wasn't! I can't afford to have one job.

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  • taebby22

    Have you even said anything to your boss about taking time off? From your post, it sounds like you're just showing up at work and waiting for someone to notice you're sick. Most workplaces aren't going to say "You should take a week off". If you just keep showing up, they will use you to work, especially this time of year when most workplace are short staffed due to peoples' vacations

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    • Well I called from the ER and told them if I went to work that I might Vomit and they asked I still show up to work. So I did so. I also got sent home twice despite the fact they said I should still be showing up to work.

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      • RoseIsabella

        What kinda work do you do?

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