Is it normal my mum said these things to my sister and i?
So my mum and sister live with me-
My sister is 21. Anyhow, my mum said something that I have found offensive and wondering if you all understand why she's said alot of similar things to both me and my sister on separate occasions.
2 months ago ish, we were chatting and she mentioned how I am more naturally attractive than my sister !
Then I over heard her last night in the kitchen talking to my younger sister saying how she is worried when she finds a man, him being around her 2 younger daughters because hes a man and how it's mainly cause of my sister, and how she dresses up beautifully.
So shes basically saying she feels threatened by my sister because of how fake she dressed up yet apparently I'm.the more attractive one with no make up(which I belive is true tbh. Isn't she being contradictory.