Is it normal my mum thinks punching dogs is right?

I love dogs, especially the big ones and I'd love to get a German Shepherd one day. I told my mum this, and she told me they are extremely aggressive and will attack and kill people. I told her that yes people do get mauled by dogs yearly, however GSD's don't really do that, as long as you train them properly and teach them they will be okay.

My mum then told me that she knows many GSD "professional breeders" and that they told her the only way to train a GSD is by punching them in the face when they are babies.

I was horrified at what she said, as to me that is classed as animal abuse. I would never hit a dog, but of course if they are misbehaving I'll give them a light tap on the nose and sternly tell them no.

My mum is terrible with dogs, she only likes small dogs and she will buy them, but will then give them away because she can't handle them and doesn't know how to train them. My mum once had a 1 month small black pup with curly fur (can't remember the breed, shih tzu maybe? I don't really like small breeds but I'll admit he was actually really cute) and he would always piss on the carpet.

My mum would scream at him and hit him, which resulted in him hiding from my mum and being scared of her. (Like her other dog...)

I never yelled at the pup or hit him, and I taught him where to go to the toilet. If he didn't get it right and pissed on the carpet I would say no and pick him up and put him on the mat that my mum had laid out, which was where he was suppose to go.

He would listen to me and pee on the mat, but I don't live with my mum so when I left he would pee on the carpets again. My mum got fed up with him and gave him away, which made me angry at her. Is it normal my mum treats dogs badly?

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Comments ( 21 )
  • charli.m

    Pups are too young to leave their mother at four weeks of age.

    Your mother is insane. Do not get dogs whith her around.

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  • Ellenna

    Your mother is an idiot who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near dogs. Ignore her - she's obviously an expert in getting it wrong

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  • KingTermite


    The only reason to punch a dog is if it's attacking you.

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  • Crazybeast

    I think you should report your mum to the cops n the breeder who told her to tell you that it's OK to punch puppies n dogs in the face, your mum should know that a puppy is New at life n it takes a time to train a puppy to pee on a mat or newspaper. I think your mum is a f**king idiot n should Never be aloud to own any animal, raising an animal is a life long thing, I hope you will become a good dog or cat person.

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  • rachel_likes_futurama

    Honesty, I think your mother should be in jail for the rest of her life. I literly want to strange her.

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  • Geturshittogetherfriend

    I'm sorry you've had to live with her, have you considered talking to a therapist? It sounds like your mother has a serious problem. You seem like a very positive, optimistic person. I'm glad there are people like you who can survive people like her, it gives me hope. And yes, you're still allowed to love her even if she's abused you. I would try setting some boundaries for her when you're with her so she can't abuse you further when she's around. It sounds like your still under 18 because you don't have a say if you want to see her or not. Try talking to your dad about who you don't want to see her as much? Or maybe in an environment you can control/feel more comfortable in? Just a few suggestions, hope one of them works for you!

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    • Yeah, I'm thinking of going to one, I went to a therapist before but that was only for my anxiety. Thanks, I am under 18 and I have tried talking to my dad and he knows how my mum can get (because she tries to abuse him too) but he always tells me I have to go there because he needs a break from me and my sister or that he has plans to go see someone :(

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      • Geturshittogetherfriend

        I absolutely think you should see a therapist. I'm sorry your dad doesn't seem to be able to listen to you, he needs a break from you?? So he lets you stay with your abusive mother?? Not cool. Is your sister a good source of support for you? Definitely talk to someone, even if it's just an adult or even just a friend it can feel nice to know you have someone outside of your family that you can trust. (I've had similar issues)

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yeah, your mother is a hard headed moron when it comes to dogs, and I suspect animals in general. She ought not to own a dog! If you have a dog of your own I highly recommend not letting your abusive, ignorant mother around the dog.

    It's none of my business, but I'm curious as to whether or not your mother was abusive or neglectful with you as a child. I'd like to see her try that shut with a bobcat, she'd be sorry real soon.

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    • Yeah, shes pretty bad with all animals generally, even cats. Shes had so many animals over the years, however she only keeps them for around a year then gives up on them. I remember one time my mum bought a baby conure bird, and because he would always like to sleep and not play much she gave him away because he was "to boring".

      It's ok, and yeah my mum did kinda abuse me when I was young. I don't really want to go into it to much because I'm not really comfortable talking about it to anyone, she would hit me and my sister when we were around 5 years old and verbally yell and abuse us. I haven't lived with her for years now though, I live with my dad but I still see her and sometimes she still verbally abuses me.

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      • DADNSCAL

        Ii feel for you because I was abused as a child. The thing with the dogs is only the tip of the iceberg. You need to take care of yourself and if she still verbally abuses you, stay away from her.

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        • Thanks bro. I try to keep my distance from her, but my dad forces me and my younger sister to stay with her every fortnight for the weekend. It's only two days, but when I come back to my dads I feel very emotionally drained and depressed.

          She is also starting to visit more due to her car getting fixed, which annoys me. I still love her though as a mum, I don't know why and I hate myself for it, and I'll start to miss her if I don't see her for a long time.

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          • DADNSCAL

            Don't hate yourself because you still love her. She's still your mother and gave you life. If she didn't care for you and nurture you, you'd have died. Have you ever tried telling her how you feel, or wouldn't she deal with it?

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            • Yeah, I've actually told her once how I feel and that I don't like how she treats me only because she went too far on something and it made me really angry. She told me that shes not abusing me and that all parents do it, and she said I should thank her that I'm not on the streets. She always denies things and she always thinks she is right about everything.

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    Your mom does sound like a bad trainer but hitting dogs is sometimes a part of training. My dad told me he used to wrap his hand in towels(so the dog couldn't tear through skin) and then smack the dog, it would of course bite him and then he would punish it for biting him, he did this until no matter what it wouldn't bite him. He got the dog so well trained that the dog wouldn't even eat the food he gave it until he told her to eat.

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    • That's because the dog is afraid of him, not because it respects him. I just pray that your dad doesn't ever start working with high intelligence breeds like huskies or wolfdogs. Those dogs don't care what you think of them and you have to establish mutual respect or they won't listen to you at all. I read in a book from a wolf sanctuary of a man who owned either a high content wolfdog or wolf whom he trained by hitting it. One day it attacked him and escaped the pen. It was later rescued but was still extremely skittish and insecure around people and other animals. My own dog is a Rottweiler husky mix and I've been bitten by her before. I only use physical force if she is doing it out of disrespect and other means won't work. Fear biting should NEVER be met with physical punishment. It only reinforces the dog's fears of being hurt.

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  • I'm sorry but your mom knows absolutely nothing about dogs. Nothing. "Punching them in the face when they're babies". Yeeeaaaaaahh..... Um, that's how maulers are created actually. GSD's are actually very sensitive and babyish dogs. Because of how emotional they are abusing them is dangerous. Your mom's going to get her face torn off some day.

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  • MissKira

    I was raised the same and seems normal to me

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    • Crazybeast

      I think your a F**king idiot n it is NOT Normal to punch or hit a animal unless it's trying to hurt you n it's self-defense.

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