Is it normal my neighbor keeps calling the cops on me! >=(

I just moved into a new apartment and at least once a week, my neighbor calls the cops on me for noise! At first, I understand, I had my TV speaker close to the wall that we shared between us and I was vacumming too so I moved the stereo and a couple of days later he called the cops again and my TV volume was almost on mute, I was just eating a sandwich and reading. A few days later he calls cops on me again, my TV isn't even on, I just had the window open to the door slammed shut on me when I walked in. I have been trying VERY VERY hard to be as quite as possible but yesterday, I sneeze next to my window which is next to his window and it caused me to drop and break my coffee cup and he called the cops on me!

The cops think I'm a huge dick now and only not assigning citation because it's not noisy when they get here so I don't understand is it normal???

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15% Normal
Based on 59 votes (9 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • mariacachucha

    Not at all! If is not a shotgun-wielding redneck you should go over and speak to him, tell him you have the right to do whatever you want in your house, as long as its not too loud. Look up the local laws about the noise and the time youre aloud to make noise, repeat it to your neighbor and tell him if you were a musician you would have the right to practice in your home. Ask him if he'd rather have some fucker practicing on his tuba. Ive had a problem like this, but since the neighbor is publicly an asshole and everyone knows, it ended right then with everyone acknowledging i was right. Just make sure you know the details of the noise law in your area. If it doesnt work, next time tell the cops this is harassment, you deserve to watch tv in your own home god dammit!

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  • green_boogers

    He's a whiny pissbag. Ask the cops if there's a some technological gadget that can record sound levels so that you can exonerate yourself. After that happens, the cops will deal with his unproductive complaints. Cops don't like to waste their time either.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Sounds like we're only getting one side of the story, here. I'd love to hear the neighbor's side of things. Do you think you could get him to post his side on IIN?

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    • I don't even think he has a computer he called the cops on me again today and I wasn't even home >=(

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      • Eric118

        Call the psychiatrists on him, he sounds like a real lunatic!

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  • gashlover

    I had the same problem with my neighbours and my dogs. I have to take them out to go to the bathroom and if they barked at all they would complain and I would get a complaint not only from the county but the housing authority. ASSHOLES!!! What I did is I went around to my other neighbours and asked them to be witnesses that I was not noisy to show that he was the asswipe. It worked, maybe this same method could work for you.

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  • Pika-girl

    The cops would be on your side if the neighbor keeps complaining.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Just keep about your daily life. Remain patient and calm. When the cops keep showing up, be cooperative and well-mannered. Eventually they'll start seeing him for the problem he is.
    If you show irritability and aggravation, the police wil want to bother you and hope you slip up. You want them to think you're the good guy, so you have to play the part.

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  • SometimesNaive

    Your neighbor sounds like a dick. When I lived in an apt with my family we would scream at eachother and argue well past the allowed time for loud noises but we never had cops come to our door

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    keep annoyin at a low level and a forcin him to call the cops over and over and over. be civil and as helpful with the cops as possible. dress and look like a harmless dork if yall can and have the place neat for when they come a knockin. if yall gots nothin to hide, invite em in and sympathize with em

    then when they git sick of that fuckhead (and they will) yall can light off m80s off all night and give him what for

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  • noid

    No your neighbor is not normal.

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  • TareBear20

    Sounds like my neighbours, but slightly more exaggerated. Good luck!

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