Is it normal my ocd is so destructive to relationships

I have Severe Ocd.My mom had it too. I drive everyone insane and see mistakes that aren't real.Sometimes I stay up for days wondering if everything was good enough.It always is good enough for everyone else but not good enough for me.I have weird repetitive habits that I can't seem to stop. Like picking my nose until it gushes blood, pacing in and out of the same area hundreds of times repeating the same mantra.My fiance is ready to break up with me over it. He hates that I needle him to do the dishes or some other chore, and then I redo it after he did it, because I don't like the way he did it.My boss told me to lay off my secretary because he has a hard time finding anyone willing to work for me.My secretary said it makes her nervous and upset when I watch her at close range all day and ask her if she is capable of doing what I ask of her. But I can't help it.The world will end if I let one mistake happen.

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17% Normal
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Comments ( 2 )
  • thegypsysailor

    I'm sure that with a doctor's help you could lead a more normal life. Why aren't you under the care of a doctor?

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  • RoseIsabella

    If you don't seek psychiatric and psychological help I can't really feel sorry for you if and when people turn their backs on you. My sister has OCD and she annoys the shit out of everyone around her, she's a neat freak and a germophob who starts fights with my parents and I over stupid bullshit. Honestly, I would kinda like to see an annoying, argumentative OCD person pelted with garbage and exposed to *gasp* GERMS!
    If your significant other leaves you you'll have only yourself to blame.

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