Is it normal my throat never gets better

I am starting to be concerned about throat cancer. There is a sensation on the left side of my throat like something is pushing into it very hard, like on top of my throat not inside it. I also get a strangling sensation like a thread tied around my throat and occasionally like a lump in my throat.
I keep being told it's psychological just because I suffer from anxiety but I think it is physical. I've had my throat checked twice and hormone blood test on me which looked fine but I dont know about that because my mom has very serious hormone imbalance and no doctor took her seriously for most of her life. I dont think these doctors were competent and they probably didnt look properly inside my throat just a quick flashlight to look. Right now sure I had a very stressful day but im sitting here now just sitting here now and I am thinking about my throat and how it feels like the entire left side is very tightly cramped up like at the very bottom of my throat above the collarbone and then all of a sudden I swallowed wrong I dont know how and it was kind of scary you know like I guess that means I have swallowing difficulties now too so you see this is serious.
My tounge has been weird too. I get those tiny barely visible blisters that hurt like they are huge and I take GOOD care of my hygiene I even floss everyday like who does that you know but I do that you know so thats probably related as well. But yeah usually its the bottom of my throat above the collarbone and it is a very horrible panic inducing sensation.

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17% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • Tinybird

    I'm a hypochondriac and struggle constantly with stuff like this, except one minute it'll be my teeth, then it'll be my eye, then it'll be my throat, or a stomachache, or a headache, or a pain in my chest, or like right now my ear has been blocked for about 3 weeks. And no also I have a phobia of doctors.

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  • olderdude-xx

    What Dr's actually know about how the human body and mind work is only a very small % of what goes on.

    Dr's miss stuff all the time; and in most cases they just don't know what to look for. They often incorrectly diagose things. The best Dr's know that - and do the best they can with the time and resources they have available (insurance Companies control so much of medicine now).

    There may be something there, which may or may not be cancer. A modern high resolution MRI is the best way to know (ask about resolution - the old machines cannot do this). If they can see nothing on a MRI whatever is there - if anything - is too small to create a physical issue that you can likely notice.

    You also need to face up to the fact that this could be a hormone or chemical imbalance that they cannot detect with ordinary testing. Also, that it could indeed be mental. No one knows and all they can do is look for what they can see and detect.

    I wish you well with this,

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  • Antidepressants plus benzos.

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    • No druggie

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