Iin: nervous as hell

Im starting university officially in two weeks and im nervous just thinking about it. I wont know anybody not that its important because im good at making friends but its like your first day at school again.


I asked my family and they just said things like 'hope you dont get lost' or 'stay away from those horny boys'

sooo advice? Or stories that
hopefully have some moral/lesson to
calm the nerves

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Comments ( 4 )
  • thegypsysailor

    You are going to be just like every other freshman in the history of higher education. They all feel just as you do.
    Instead of focusing on the negatives here, why not try to focus on the positives?
    1) For the first time in your life, you will be going to school with people who have more in common with you than age and geographic proximity. That should make it easier to make friends, because many of your classmates will have interests similar to yours.
    2) you will not be forced to remain on campus for the whole school day. You can actually choose a schedule that suits YOU. As heavy or light as you wish. You can run a few errands during business hours, like a normal adult.
    3) for the first time the school will be treating you like an adult. No more detentions, principal's office or other childish crap. If you miss a class, well that's your ass and responsibility; no one's going to punish you.
    So turn your frown upside down and get excited. Today is the first day of the rest of your life.

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    • regisphilbin


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  • Holzman_67

    Take each day as it comes and try to smile.

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  • pixie44

    Starting school is always a nervous situation especially when you wont know someone. Try to make friends with your roomate. Most of the time if you tell them you don't know anyone here and they do they will introduce you to their friends so you have a little hangout group. Get involved in activities around campus such as clubs, organizations and career days. And also getting a job on campus is the perfect way to make friends and meet new people. (if you can maintain a job and going to class that is) Just remember it's totally normal to be nervous but that feeling usually passes with in the first couple days to weeks. Just be friendly as possible to everyone. And GET EXCITED college is your time to shine and live and be an actual adult away from your parents, haha. Wish you good luck! (:

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