Is it normal nervous of what people think while driving

Like say if I'm about to turn left at a light and there's a car that's kind of far, but approaching quickly. If I were alone I would want to wait until I felt completely safe to turn, maybe this is because I'm still a fairly new driver, but I'm worried about the cars behind me being mad that I didn't go, so I'll drive kind of according to them? Does this make sense. Is it normal to care this much.

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89% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • thegypsysailor

    That's a sure recipe for disaster. Either drive in a way that you are comfortable with or don't drive at all.
    Those other drivers you are so worried about aren't the ones who will have weeks of recovery and months of rehab (if you even survive), because you made a wrong decision because you cared what they thought.
    When you are in the driver's seat; they are your decisions, choices and responsibilities, not anybody else's.

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  • kingofcarrotflowers

    Normal, hell sometimes I'm even like that on foot in a busy supermarket,

    Am I in their way? Are they getting pissed off? Do I signal with my arm that I'm turning right or would that look like I'm pretending I have wings?

    A lot of new drivers I speak to say that from the moment they turn the key till the moment they turn the engine back off that they drive according to those around them and trying not to piss them off, constantly worrying that everyone on the road is mad at them and every single one of them got more confident with time :)

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  • Short4Words

    You gotta worry less about them and more about you.

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  • jamesinheels

    wear stockings suspenders and will feel a lot more confident when driving All men should

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  • Ellenna

    Drive safely and courteously: you'll get over this nervousness with more experience but in the meantime focus on your own driving not what other people are thinking

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