Is it normal normal to need to justify being a meat-eater?

All of my life, I've eaten meat. I've been raised with it. However, lately I've started to have doubts about doing so. I can't really justify it to myself anymore. This is how I used to do it:

- I like the taste of meat.

But that of course isn't a good reason. If everyone would do things simply because they liked them, the world would even be a bigger mess (yes, EVEN bigger).

- It's natural to eat meat, since other animals do it too.

What is natural isn't necessarily what's good. There are plenty of perfectly natural impulses (rape and murder for example) that aren't exactly what one might call "good".

- Animals are lower lifeforms.

Yes, they are indeed. That doesn't AUTOMATICALLY mean they are to be consumed though.

- Meat contains all sorts of things you need.

It may indeed, but there are things that can replace meat, like soy and tofu (and who knows what else in the future). Also, you could take vitamine pills. Besides, lots of people don't eat meat because they think it's HEALTHIER, go figure!

I would like to continue eating meat, because it tastes so good, but I can't justify it to myself anymore. Meat-eaters, how do you justify eating meat to yourselves?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 72 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 80 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    I try to keep from eating Fast Food. If I am going to eat meat, I want it to be meat from a decent source company. Our problem as Americans is not just that we have a heavy meat-laden diet, but it is low quality meat (often because it is fast food meat or, urgh, meat from things like frozen ready-to-cook burgers and crap like that).

    Generally, I try to restrict my diet to meats that I have to cook myself and quality sandwich meats (cut ham) although I do indulge in fast food every now and then. I'd recommend that to anyone and I'd recommend supporting industries with ethics regarding their handling of the animals used to produce said meats.

    I don't think that it's NECESSARY that we all completely stop eating meat but be more conscious of the meat that we eat and try to avoid low quality meat products such as fast foods. When it comes to meat, I like trying to avoid anything pre-cooked and pre-processed (but you can't really help it in the case of hot-dogs and sausage products).

    We're predators, pure and simple. I'd never advocate for the blatant denial of our instincts. Just as I wouldn't expect people not to have sex or not to have violent urges, I wouldn't expect everyone to stop eating meat. It's all a matter of modesty, indulging our instincts in a civilized manner and I think that this can be done with meat eating if we simply just be conscious of what we eat and not load up on low-quality meat products.

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  • Darkoil

    From a nutritional point of view meat is invaluable in the diet. Poly-unsaturated fats, complete proteins, various vitamin Bs and C and a lot of minerals come from meat. You can supplement them all you want but it is not advisable.

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    • "You can supplement them all you want but it is not advisable."

      How come?

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      • Darkoil

        A lot of supplements have very poor absorbtions.

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        • I see. I didn't know that, thank you. But what if technology creates better ones?

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          • Darkoil

            Some are better than others and yes better ones probably will be created in the future but it really depends on the nutrient in question.

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  • Prince_of_Crows

    I don't have to justify eating meat to myself. I feel that eating meat is normal normal. If you feel guilty about eating meat, I would just suggest adopting a meat-lite diet and focusing on free-range and organic meat products. Also, avoid veal and lamb.

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    • "I feel that eating meat is normal"

      Why exactly?

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      • Prince_of_Crows

        Well, I have canine teeth, which have no other purpose but to shred meat. My system is designed to digest it. Moreover, there's nothing about it to make it abnormal.

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      • Ixu

        Because it's food

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        • Yes, but is it ethical to consume it? If indeed so, why?

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          • MissyLeyneous

            Ethical is a modern-man-made lie. Our bodies... our human homo-sapiens bodies... are MEANT to eat meat. It's just that simple.

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            • lirtsonnostril

              they are meant to eat meat yes, but that doesnt mean meat cant be replaced considering our bodies are stupid and easily coaxed with things with similar values of nutrition

              but yeah those arent easy to find and meat is indeed tasty

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            • "Ethical is a modern-man-made lie."

              Perhaps so, I don't know. In any case, I then think it's a very good thing man has invented it. Surely you have certain moral codes?

              "Our bodies... our human homo-sapiens bodies... are MEANT to eat meat."

              Perhaps so, but does that automatically justify it? After all, we CAN live without it.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I do it for health reasons. My body can't digest soy. Other beans are a good alternative, but to eat them everyday would cause me great discomfort. Meat packs a lot of nutrition in a small amount of food.

    I am very conscious of the meat I choose to eat as well as all of the things I consume. It is a first world luxury to be able to choose a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle.

    The argument that helped me cope with the change of a vegetarian lifestyle to one that included meat was the need for consumers to support a free range market and create the demand for sustainable and humane farms.

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  • xxwrong-as-rainxx

    Honesty I've never felt the need to justify eating meat, i like it so i eat it.

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    • I like it too. However, I also know it's been alive, and so I do need to justify it.

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  • loopoo

    I started having them thoughts.

    I am now a vegetarian and loving it

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  • dom180

    I can't justify it, hence I don't eat the meat. I think you should justify everything you do, and if you can't justify it morally then you shouldn't do it no matter how good it feels. It isn't about placating the guilt so you feel better about yourself, it's about doing the morally justifiable thing whether you feel better about yourself or not. Those are indeed two different types of justification, but the first is selfish and the second is not. That's my personal view.

    Being vegetarian isn't a lifelong commitment. You can always try out living a vegetarian lifestyle and if you can't handle it then at least you know you've tried. And before anyone gets on my back: no, I'm not trying to convert you. I'm just contributing my two shiny British pennies and giving you the advice that trying out vegetarianism for even just a week or two might at least give you a new perspective.

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    • I do indeed feel guilty when I'm eating meat and you've also said some quite useful things. However, the meat-eating people here have too, so I'm kinda confused. I think I'd best abstain from it until I know what to choose. That way, I'm "save" in any case. If I do continue to eat meat, I will at least eat way less BTW.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    The way I justify it? We are evolutionarily designed to eat meat, it's part of what keeps us healthy. Though we are kinda doin it wrong.... people nowadays eat too much meat and grains and not enough fruits and vegetables... we're not balancing our diets properly.

    And just for the sake of an interesting hypothetical, how do you know that animals are lower forms of life? How does anyone really know that? We can't communicate with them, we can't know how they think or why they do the things they do. We assume they're lower forms of consciousness because we have roads and cities and iPads, but we don't really *know* that.

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    • "We are evolutionarily designed to eat meat"

      Perhaps so, but does that automatically justify it? After all, we CAN live without it.

      "it's part of what keeps us healthy"

      All vegetarians and vegans are unhealthy?

      How do I know that animals are lower forms of life? Well, humanity is the dominant species on the Earth. I know that humanity sadly makes (and has made) a big mess of it, generally speaking. That's unlike the - what I consider to be lower - animals. They just graze or whatever and are generally peaceful. That doesn't mean they wouldn't dominate the world (and likely make a big mess out of it too) if they could. But they can't. They simply haven't got the conscience to even fathom the concepts of power and domination.

      I think science also has shown that the human brain has a higher level of consciousness. That, together with the fact that we're more intelligent (how many Nobel Prizes have animals ever won?) indicates that we humans are clearly higher animals, but we're still animals of course.

      PS: I'm certainly not attacking you (I kinda like you to be honest), but I think there's a tendency here on IIN to question everything (which is a good thing in itself of course and I think it's very interesting too). But when you CONSTANTLY question everything in the MINUTEST detail (like here on IIN), WITHOUT end, than you can never draw one single conclusion about anything and that's just plain silly and frustrating. We're all looking for some answers and certainty in life I think.

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      • shade_ilmaendu

        Most people can be healthy as vegetarians, but not everyone can. People with anemia or certain other deficiencies find a vegetarian diet to be almost impossible.

        I don't think there's anything wrong with the lifestyle, honestly we should all be eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat and grains, people nowadays (especially in Western society) aren't really balancing their diets properly and new research suggests it's our poor diets and the amount of unhealthy things in our food causing a lot of our health problems. (diabetes and some cancers are what Im remembering from the article)

        But I don't think there's anything wrong with eating meat either, what I do disapprove of is the conditions in which the animals are kept and the way they're treated.

        What it mostly comes down to is cost efficiency.... it's more expensive to be a vegetarian and it's more expensive to eat the healthy foods, with all the GM stuff even organic might not be safe (I can't honestly remember if organic foods can be GM or not) I'z poor college kid.

        As for my point about the animals and consciousness, you know dolphins may very well be just as intelligent as we are? Big difference is we have thumbs. The only point I was trying to make is since we can't communicate with animals we can't be entirely sure of where we stand in intelligence next to them. We've built up this big society all our own yes, but is that really a good thing? Should we be living so far from the earth? Considering that we're doing a pretty good job taking out species and making this planet unable to care for us, I'd say the animals have at least got something right that we don't. They fit in their niche. I don't think we'll ever destroy this planet... but we could very easily kill ourselves. In some ways we're still pretty damn stupid, I feel that humans have become a bit too arrogant of their position in this world.

        I'd have to try to find this again but I read this really interesting study somewhere about scientists hooking up some sorts of sensors to trees, and the readings they picked up actually changed when they cut into the tree or sawed a branch off, suggesting even plants have some vague notion of consciousness or pain.

        Maybe I just like asking questions too much, but I'm of the opinion I'd rather have ideas than beliefs. Easier to change ideas. :P

        (Oh god, I almost lost this entire post, thank god for ctrl+z)

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  • Antimacy

    People are just raised from young to eat it and that's that. Every vegan,vegetarian and pescatarian have different reasons for not eating meat.

    Meat is gross if you think about it.

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    • "People are just raised from young to eat it and that's that."

      But does that AUTOMATICALLY justify it?

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      • Antimacy

        I don't think there's any justification. It's more about convenience.

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  • Ixu

    You're obviously just cranky and unreasonable. Don't eat meat if you don't want to but stop treating everyone else like they're shitheads.

    Nutrition=Being alive

    Sure you say there are supplements, but why go the roundabout way of eating nutrition when you get it straight from meat? And meat is delicious!

    And you say that killing animals is bad. How much worse is it for prey to die at a slaughter house than being chased across a big field just to become their predator's meal. I personally would have it quick and painless rather than being gunned down by a lion.

    These reasons you give are silly and if you find it horrible that people eat meat that is your petty opinion, you're not going to convert people by calling them disgusting

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    • "You're obviously just cranky and unreasonable. Don't eat meat if you don't want to but stop treating everyone else like they're shitheads."

      I'm not cranky, nor am I being unreasonable. Reasoning and establishing a dialogue is EXACTLY that which I'm after for Pete's sake! I'm also not treating people like shitheads. I merely asked an honest question, have given honest replies and at NO time have I been impolite (something you should try sometime).

      "Sure you say there are supplements, but why go the roundabout way of eating nutrition when you get it straight from meat?"

      Ehm, maybe because it might not be the ethical thing to do?

      "And meat is delicious!"

      Yes, I agree. In itself that isn't a valid reason to eat it though.

      "How much worse is it for prey to die at a slaughter house than being chased across a big field just to become their predator's meal."

      Oh, I see. You eat meat to save animals from predators. Don't be ridiculous, you know full well that's not the reason.

      "These reasons you give are silly"

      Good job explaining why!

      "if you find it horrible that people eat meat that is your petty opinion, you're not going to convert people by calling them disgusting"

      I'm not trying to convert anybody. I've stated in my original post that I would like to CONTINUE eating meat. I'm merely looking for justifications, that's all. Also, at NO point have I called anyone disgusting, please read better.

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      • Ixu

        Well, you're absolutely right. I'll admit that I tend to flip my nut when I see people even considering becoming a vegetarian for apparently moral reasons. I've known a few and they extremely hypocritical they drive me mad.

        What I was explaining is that animals of prey are most likely to get eaten by predators at some point anyway, not just emphasizing on the fact of how humans get over with quickly.

        Of course I wouldn't eat an animal that I can have a social bond with (eg. dog, human, pig, horse ect.), but eating animals is simply a part life, it contains things you as an omnivore requires to stay alive and things die anyway. I know I sound a bit blunt in that conclusion but that's how I feel about it.

        You have my sincerest apologies, but the choice is ultimately yours to make, obviously if you feel that it is immoral then eating animals would surely make you feel ashamed, but as a meat eater who enjoys eating it for the nutritious and taste values I couldn't bring myself to stop, there is absolutely no good reason to.

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        • "Well, you're absolutely right. I'll admit that I tend to flip my nut when I see people even considering becoming a vegetarian for apparently moral reasons. I've known a few and they extremely hypocritical they drive me mad."

          I totally accept your apologies. Stuff sometimes gets said a little too quickly, it happens to virtually anyone. Don't worry about it.

          "What I was explaining is that animals of prey are most likely to get eaten by predators at some point anyway, not just emphasizing on the fact of how humans get over with quickly."

          Yes, prey-animals are indeed likely to get eaten by predators at some point, but I don't really see how that automatically justifies killing and eating them. By the same logic, you could do everything to everyone, since everything will die eventually. I don't think that fact makes existance futile.

          "Of course I wouldn't eat an animal that I can have a social bond with (eg. dog, human, pig, horse ect.), but eating animals is simply a part life, it contains things you as an omnivore requires to stay alive and things die anyway. I know I sound a bit blunt in that conclusion but that's how I feel about it."

          It suprises me that you wouldn't eat meat from a pig, since lots of meat-eaters do. I doubt that meat contains things you as an omnivore ABSOLUTELY require to stay alive, because I've seen lots of vegetarians in my life. They generally look pretty healthy to me.

          "You have my sincerest apologies, but the choice is ultimately yours to make, obviously if you feel that it is immoral then eating animals would surely make you feel ashamed, but as a meat eater who enjoys eating it for the nutritious and taste values I couldn't bring myself to stop, there is absolutely no good reason to."

          With all the comments on this thread, I'm in all honesty not quite sure yet what to do. I'll have to carefully think it all over. Perhaps, after that, I'll continue eating meat, but as long as I'm not sure, I probably shouldn't eat it, so that I can't make a mistake in any case.

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  • lirtsonnostril

    its your choice, you dont need to justify it
    there are enough people who wont stop eating meat no matter what that will keep the meat industry alive no matter what, so i dont think anybody is a terrible person for consuming meat
    the animals are lower lifeforms is a bullshit reason though, considering cows are about as smart as dogs, pigs and rabbits are far smarter and other farm animals are social and not as dumb as you would assume (especially goats).

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  • lemon

    I think it's normal to question eating meat but ultimately it is your decision on whether you continue to eat it or not. Whether you decide to continue eating meat, stop altogether or only stop some, or reduce your meat intake, it's all normal.

    You don't need to justify it to anyone other than yourself. But if you want to continue eating meat, expect conflict with vegetarians. They feel that vegetarianism is right (certainly for them at least) so they will want to question you and tell you that your reasoning is flawed in some way. I don't think either one is right or wrong but being vegetarian may be more ethical.

    If you don't want to need to defend yourself with vegetarians, learn something to say to change the subject or something, 'I don't want to talk about that' or something to that effect because however much vegetarians and meat-eaters talk, they will never come to the same conclusion. There is even conflict among vegetarians and vegans and vegans with other vegans.

    Do what is right for you.

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  • Severus'sDaughter19

    No. You shouldn't have to justify eating meat. Just eat it and be happy. :)

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    • I really wish it was that easy.

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  • capcrunch6

    So now i'm supposed to justify what I eat?
    You eat whatever you want to eat, I eat whatever the hell I want to eat.

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    • I never said others need to justify what they eat, I merely said that I DO feel that need.

      I don't understand how people cannot feel that need though, but that's a different matter.

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      • capcrunch6

        I grew up in a poor family, and thought of vegetarians as "rich and spoiled" because they turned down food I would give anything to have. I now know this is not true and some are nice people, but I guess some of that bias was left with me. And that is why I don't feel the need to justify what I eat.
        Have nice day.

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  • Eli1234567

    I don't think you need to justify why you eat meat, it is your choice and there is nothing that can stop you, just like any other lifestyle you may have(although i often find myself justifying why I am vegetarian) -have been all my life and very healthy/fit, I get protein from other foods such as quinoa for muscle build up so I don't think meat eating is necessarily better for you than going without it. Also I would like to point out that even if meat eating is natural, factory farming of animals in mass quantities, and transportation methods of animals are not, so if you do feel guilty about eating meat, you should find organic meat (look it up, it's probably healthier for you)

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    • "there is nothing that can stop you"

      Well, my sense of guilt can.

      "Also I would like to point out that even if meat eating is natural, factory farming of animals in mass quantities, and transportation methods of animals are not."

      Good point.

      "if you do feel guilty about eating meat, you should find organic meat"

      I'll look it up.

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  • SeverusFan23


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  • MissyLeyneous

    Here's my entire argument:

    Our ancestors ate meats, fruits, and veggies. Humans are not meant to eat grains. The only type of animal that can live off of grains is a bird. There is no good reason to stop eating meats, and any reason created is a figment of modern man's imagination.

    The End.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    I give you credit however for not wanting to convert anyone. Mainly because I know some vegetarians who often barge into meat conversations to start preaching about how their way of life is better bla bla bla. and to me it's no different than telling someone "Chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla" and then going on about how "wrong" it is to eat vanilla ice cream and how much better they are than everyone else who doesn't agree with them.

    However my own suggestion on this is... if you really truly want to avoid all animal death, don't just switch to vegetarian stuff only. Actually research what goes into every thing you eat or use - and find out whether or not animals are killed in the production.

    A lot of vegetarians don't realize this but... say you buy veggies in the grocery store. No animals killed for this, right? Wrong. Sure they don't normally kill food-animals to grow your veggies, but animals DO burrow and live under the fields. Those animals get killed when the crop is harvested; the machines don't spare them. Obviously the harvest is cleaned before it's put out on the shelves cos no one wants to see a dead rabbit in the carrots, or dead mice... but not seeing the death doesn't mean it didn't happen.

    On top of that a lot of household products (especially hygiene products) are made from animal components.

    I'm not saying don't use them but... it's best to be ACCURATELY informed of all the facts, not just what you can see.

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    • I agree with what you've said. I would like to point one thing out, however. Saying that being a vegetarian is better than being a meat-eater, is not at all like saying "Chocolate ice cream is better than vanilla" in my view. That's way too easy. Perhaps meat-eating is OK alright, the comparison is still nonsensical to me.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        How is that "nonsensical"?

        It's no more than just a different taste in food. Now some people like to attribute their preference to a "moral" but that's still no more than personal opinion.

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  • lolol555

    Animals die whether you eat meat or not.
    That's how I justify it.
    Eating vegetables also kills animals, it kills the animals who used to (or perhaps were, until they were killed) live on the fields used to grow crops. These animals are murdered to protect the crops and be sure none of the little field creatures eat them.
    Perhaps little creatures like field mice and other small critters that live on fields aren't as "big" as cows, pigs or chicken but does that mean their life should be valued any less?
    Not only this, the chemicals used to make sure enough crops are grown to feed the world (it's estimated that, if these chemicals weren't used, only half of the world be able to be fed) damage animals as well. Especially the smaller mammals or the fish in the lakes that get contaminated.

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    • "Animals die whether you eat meat or not."

      True. I don't see how that's a justification though. By the same logic, you could do everything to everyone, since everything will die eventually. I don't think that fact makes existance futile.

      "Eating vegetables also kills animals"

      Perhaps so, but, in any case, the toll is probably much less than with the consumption of meat.

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      • Eyresti

        "The toll is probably much less than the consumption of meat"

        Ummm... no. Chemicals used to farm vegetables kill enough mice, bugs, and rats that if we counted the amount killed, and applied it to humans, it would be considered mass genocide.

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        • Even IF the toll wouldn't be much less (which I still find quite hard to swallow BTW), then there is still a HUGE difference between killing animals directly and killing them indirectly, as collateral damage.

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          • Eyresti

            Ok, so let me give you an analogy. Is hiring someone to commit a massacre for you any better than doing it yourself? That's what you're saying.

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            • In both cases you mention the INTENTION to kill is present. When you spray chemicals, you may kill alright, but the INTENTION isn't there, because you intend to spray crops. Big difference.

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  • redneckgirl1507

    Who gives a shit what other people think?

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    • These feelings have mainly arisen from myself.

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  • americanhoney

    Bacon.... Yummy

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    • DannyKanes

      Hey! I remember you :) Where have you been hiding?

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      • americanhoney

        Hi Danny :) I'm always here, lurking...everyone now and again I come out of my troll cave. Good to see you!!

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    • I was expecting a childish response like this, and voila, there it is!

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      • americanhoney

        How is what I said childish? I just happen to think bacon is yummy, so that's what I said. Saying "fuck you, bacon is yummy" might have been childish.

        By the way....Fuck you, bacon is yummy.

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        • In my original post, I'd already stated that I think meat tastes good, but that that doesn't automatically justify eating it. By saying that bacon is yummy, you contribute absolutely nothing. Moreover, it is obviously intended for shock value (at which you're not succeeding BTW) and it therefore really is childish.

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  • Eyresti

    If you are looking for justifications, then don't debate the comments people give. It jist shows signs of a weak, pessimistic mind.

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    • Bullshit.

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      • Eyresti

        What's bullshit is that you feel that you need to justify eating meat.

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        • I feel I need to justify it because it's been alive.

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          • Eyresti

            So? Plants are living too.

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            • In my opinion there's a huge difference between a plant and an animal. Most vegetarians and meat-eaters agree on that.

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  • americanhoney

    Shit, you really got me there, OP. Shock value was EXACTLY what I was going for, you fucking schmuck. Lol

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    • Shock value is indeed exactly what you were going for, yes. In a previous message you indicated that you're a troll.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    If you don't feel right eating it then don't.

    You shouldn't stop doing something based on what other people think you lose your identity if you do.

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    • "If you don't feel right eating it then don't."

      I indeed don't feel right eating meat, but at the same time I wanna, because it tastes great. That is the very core of my problem.

      "You shouldn't stop doing something based on what other people think you lose your identity if you do."

      True, but these feelings have mainly arisen from myself.

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      • Terence_the_viking

        There is too much conflict within yourself.

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        • Yes, I couldn't agree more. I would like to resolve it though.....

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          • Antimacy

            There's not too much conflict within yourself at all. Don't let others tell you that when they are just trying to sound wise and clever.

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            • Well, I AM conflicted about the consumption of meat. On the one hand I feel I shouldn't, but on the the other hand I wanna, because it tastes great.

              I think you have a point when you said you think there's no justification, but that it's more about convenience.

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