Is it normal not being normal or mentally well is trendy now

Nowadays it seems to be trendy to be mentally ill, have personality disorders or autism. It makes it difficult when you actually are in one or more of those categories but you appear normal on the surface because medical professionals start to only care about those who are also intellectually disabled, because at least on those people you can clearly tell they aren't normal. I doubt any of the trend-following, self diagnosed fakers would ever care to partake in activities for people with mental health problems. Or accept stuff like having to work without pay while the employment agency figures out what your abilities are. Or hanging out with people who have various disabilities for real. Or just dealing with the actual symptoms and not just the side effects which can sometimes be coming off as quirky and especially if you're a woman that can be cute or exciting at first glance, but in the long run no one can stand you and you're always lonely.
It's not trendy to not be part of the norm, it's really difficult and a daily struggle but especially young bored women without personalities pretend to be ill in some way because it's unique. Kind of like how some rich people pretend to be poor for the "aesthetic" and to be appear more likable and down to earth at first glance.

Voting Results
44% Normal
Based on 9 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • bigbudchonger

    Yes, things like this and transgenderism are very trendy now.

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    • noahxo

      its sad because real transgender people suffer immensely because fake ones make it this big thing that its not; so real trans people get looked at as a joke

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  • litelander8

    I think today’s society inflicts mental disorders. I think a lot of people “self diagnose” Bc it’s not always easy to afford health care. I think most doctors will medicate the fuck out of anyone Bc they get a paycheck. Just be kind to people. You don’t know their past.

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    • bbrown95

      Very true, especially about doctors medicating people for a paycheck. This is how I ended up on antidepressants as a teen, which caused so many issues for me.

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      • litelander8

        I think a huge issue with today mental illnesses, is that we medicate children before they’ve started/ finished puberty.

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        • bbrown95

          Absolutely! My real issue was growing pains. I was going through puberty and was having a tough time with it, but nothing I think required medication. Puberty is a tough (or at the very least very awkward) time for everyone.

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    • Well thats true healthcare is expensive but usually you can tell many who self diagnose arent for real, it depends how they act.

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  • They are just bullshit labels for seeking attention.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    Wow I'm relieved someone noticed this. I've seen so many people self diagnose themselves and label themselves autistic, ADHD and bipolar often. It's also fairly obvious many are incorrect with their self diagnosis. I've seen people even say their doctor is wrong they have autism, ADHD, bipolar etc when it's obvious they just want a label.

    Never did I ever think this would happen. Years ago when someone said they had ADHD, autism or bipolar etc people would avoid them like the plague and call them weird (which it's great that they don't do that anymore) but today it's the opposite, the more labels someone has the "cooler" they are. It doesn't make much sense to me. People need to just accept who they are and not feel the need to add so many labels to seem appealing to others. It's most apparent on social media where people will put their self diagnosis labels in their bios thinking it makes them cooler.

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    • Yeah though i've started being open with my diagnosis on social media to find others who have it easier because its an isolating life. I never entertain anyone who calls themselves self diagnosed.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I notice it with young ppl. Im hoping they're just the types to go online. I go on discord VCs a lot when I'm at work and the young ppl I talk to on there make me worry about my kids growing up today. I think what it boils down to is everyone wants to be unique thats totally normal when you're younger. What I worry about more is the adults that seem to let the kids make up the rules as they go.

    I believe society needs some structure. I worry about what is the next weird thing theyre gonna normalize and tell kids its perfectly reasonable to do. I would not be surprised if they start identifying as animals and make you address them as "good little puppy dog" and if you dont play along and pet them you're labeled a bigot. Sadly I am not even joking I really think this is the next step. There's already "non binary" and "trans racial" and the young ppl I talk to totally think this is acceptable.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Well I must be very cool indeed...

    *looks away, wipes tear

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  • RoseIsabella

    To be completely fair there are a lot of reasons to be mentally unwell these days.

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  • olderdude-xx

    I disagree in part.

    What is more acceptable is for people to publically talk about their issues. Almost everyone at some point in life goes though a mental challenge period; and for at least a short term are technically mentally ill (Been there, done that).

    The vast majority of people do pull out of that and can live a life without any mental issues - if they get appropriate assistance when they have an issue.

    The reasons Dr's pay so much attention is that a short period of appropriate treatment prevents a life of constant problems.

    Now there is a smaller group where their mental issue last their entire life. Most of these can function in society with adequate treatment (which may include monitoring).

    Yes, there are always the self centered ones who make a play at being mentally ill (or being worse than they are) just to get attention. Those have always existed and will always exist.

    But, the biggest reason you see people talking about mental illness is that now they can without any major social stigma - or loosing their job.

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  • Correction

    Putting other people down or dismissing people because they don’t fit your view of what a person with a certain condition or in a certain situation should look and act like seems to be pretty trendy as well.

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