Iin, not to know what direction to take with a blog?
I have two blogs. One is one tumblr and is somewhat "successful" and the other is on blogspot. The first one I've put my heart and my interests in it and the second I don't know what to do with it. I would like it to be a success, but I never know what to write. The only thing I've done is write about one disastrous trip and a few food reviews. I had someone to edit them and I feel like everything that's "me" has been left out. I fear my posts sound cold and robotic. I've gotten a quite a few views, but not one comment. I don't have much of a social life, but I have thoughts and I would like to share them. I don't know what to write though. I'm scared to write something personal or deep for fear that I won't be taken seriously or how people might react. I want to get serious with it at some point in my life, not just be some pathetic waste of space. I think the more I share, the more I may become at peace with myself. IIN?