Is it normal old people are so needy?

So some context. I am a 27 year old who works two jobs, live on my own and go to college. Recently I lost housing since it was provided by a job and the job shut down since lost of funding. This was directly do to pandemic. So I had a former work colleague who rented me a room. Today they asked me go get a tree with them and I said sure but I haddo my homework after. Since I have several late assignments I gonna probably be doing this all night but it's whatever. Anyways they asked if I was really busy I said technically but that it's fine and I would go. So they decided to leave and said I was being a dick. I also have my old grandmother who decided to move to a city with no job market. That city is my hometown and I left since there isn't any work there. 90 percent of the population there is retired or commute to near by towns. Both these people are old.and retired and I am expected to drop college and work to come appease these people. I know my worth as a person is basically 0 but how do I explain to them I do as a young adult have stuff I got to take care of?

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Comments ( 12 )
  • FullyAutomatedGaySpaceCommunism

    Dude. Take care of yourself first. Then you worry about others

    Edit: I regret my name

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    • But it's god damn funcking Christmas and during this holiday we are required to share with others. Even though I am fucking always jumping fucking housing and haven't had secure housing all God damn year.

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    • Somenormie

      Yeah true and also you can change your name.

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  • olderdude-xx

    A lot depends on the country and the province or state within the country.

    As a general rule; older people who are beyond their labor years do live a much lower economic life than when they were productive members of their society.

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    • Everyone retired owns a house. I literally just rent rooms and don't own a car.

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      • olderdude-xx

        Owning a home is not cheap... Ongoing maintenance, utilities, major items like new roofs, heating/cooling system replacement. Kitchen appliance replacement. Property taxes.

        As an example: I could easily spend $30,000 for things that need to be done on my house exterior and roof - at the low end (which will not look good or fail again in another 20+ years and need to be redone), or I could spend about $70,000 and put in premium materials that will likely last 100 years.

        The interior floors likely need about $10,000 in work if I hire a contractor as they are rather dated (and the cheep interior work that was done 25 years ago that looked so good when I bought the house now looks really bad).

        That's just to bring it up to a decent condition that would be attractive to modern buyers.

        So many older people with houses are figuring out how to finance things to keep the house up. It does not leave a lot of extra spending money.

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        • What does that have to do with any of this though? Am I suppose to be paying thier house?

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          • olderdude-xx

            It means just because they live in a house... that they often still have house expensive that can be comparable to rent.

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