Is it normal or wrong to put down my 18 year old dog?
My dog is 18, she has ALOT of problems. She barks all the time (constant high pitch send your heart into your throat bark). When I say constant and all the time, I mean every 1-2 minutes she will give off a horrible LOUD bark, and this goes on from 7am till 1-2am every day(she'll take two naps normally about 30 minutes each during the day, which is the only time I can make phone calls). When she barks, she isn't barking at anything, she stands in the middle of the room and just looks confused (ALL DAY!). I refused to have people over at my house, when they do come they don't stay long. See she has doggy alzheimer, and is medicated to "help" with the symptoms. But it doesn't help much. She has developed a slight hip dyplasia, and she can't stand without falling over for a long period of time. She can't hear (completely deaf), she can only see out of one eye. She will walk herself into a corner and not know how to get out of it. sometimes shell go outside to go to the bathroom, come back in and 20 seconds later poop or pee on the floor. She HATES being touched, and will snap at you if you try to touch her. If she smells something (food) she HAS to have it, if someone reaches to pick it up she will bite them. She atacked my other dog during feed. Now my other dog doesn't feel comfortable around her. She is the most miserble thing to live with. My vet (who is the best vet in town) and I live in a big city. Keeps telling me he doesnt know how I put up with her. But she doesn't seem in that much pain. I keep telling myself not till she is in pain. she will have painful days where she will shiver, but I have pain medication, shell sleep it off and be fine after that (for pain), but still annoying. I know she is killing me (my doctor told me that my dogs constant barking is causing my health to decline), but I can't kill her (have her put down).
Put her down | 65 | |
Don't put her down | 24 |