Is it normal or wrong to put down my 18 year old dog?

My dog is 18, she has ALOT of problems. She barks all the time (constant high pitch send your heart into your throat bark). When I say constant and all the time, I mean every 1-2 minutes she will give off a horrible LOUD bark, and this goes on from 7am till 1-2am every day(she'll take two naps normally about 30 minutes each during the day, which is the only time I can make phone calls). When she barks, she isn't barking at anything, she stands in the middle of the room and just looks confused (ALL DAY!). I refused to have people over at my house, when they do come they don't stay long. See she has doggy alzheimer, and is medicated to "help" with the symptoms. But it doesn't help much. She has developed a slight hip dyplasia, and she can't stand without falling over for a long period of time. She can't hear (completely deaf), she can only see out of one eye. She will walk herself into a corner and not know how to get out of it. sometimes shell go outside to go to the bathroom, come back in and 20 seconds later poop or pee on the floor. She HATES being touched, and will snap at you if you try to touch her. If she smells something (food) she HAS to have it, if someone reaches to pick it up she will bite them. She atacked my other dog during feed. Now my other dog doesn't feel comfortable around her. She is the most miserble thing to live with. My vet (who is the best vet in town) and I live in a big city. Keeps telling me he doesnt know how I put up with her. But she doesn't seem in that much pain. I keep telling myself not till she is in pain. she will have painful days where she will shiver, but I have pain medication, shell sleep it off and be fine after that (for pain), but still annoying. I know she is killing me (my doctor told me that my dogs constant barking is causing my health to decline), but I can't kill her (have her put down).

Put her down 65
Don't put her down 24
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Comments ( 16 )
  • dom180

    She sounds very ill, poor thing :( You've got to do what you think is right, and I think putting her to sleep may be the kindest option.

    I sounds like you might need validation that you're not a terrible person if you decide to put down your dog. You're not a terrible person if you do that; you're a compassionate person.

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  • dappled

    When I was growing up, the family dog lived to be 18. She was constantly barking or whining too. There were times we scolded her or told her to shut up. At a regular vet visit, they found a lump in her throat. They operated and said it was cancer and was in an advanced state and that it would have been causing her lots of discomfort and pain (hence the barking).

    They asked if we wanted them to bring her out of the anaesthetic. It was tempting to have a proper goodbye, maybe take her for one last walk (she was still mobile, albeit a bit stiff). But we said no, and to let her go. It hurt like... well... there aren't words. But we did the right thing. We had a responsibility to her and despite our feelings and our love, we carried out our responsibility and we put her first.

    Forget your own feelings. Do only what is right for the dog.

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    • VioletTrees

      ): I'm sorry.

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  • My oldest dog is in a very similar circumstance as yours, minus the barking.

    My prognosis was to let her finish her life; she's not in pain and I have no reason to believe she's not enjoying the waning days of her life.

    If yours is in excruciating pain and you know it, you have an obligation to euthanize it. Sometimes to create, you have to destroy unfortunately.

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  • flowergirl87

    I haven't voted yes or no, although, if I'm honest, I say more yes. 18 is very old for a dog and it doesn't sound like she's very happy. Not because of you but because she's so old! Have you actually asked the vet what they think the best thing to do is? I will say, if she starts to be in pain then I really think you should. Years ago now, my cat had to be put down because her kidneys had had enough. She was old but it was still sad and so hard to go through with. I know it's hard but please think of the dog before your own feelings. Sorry if that sounds harsh but I'm sure you know she does come first. Make her as comfortable as possible etc but if she gets worse then... you know what to do. Speak to the vet again too - they do know what's best for animals.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Would you want someone to end your life if you were in that condition?

    There is the answer to your question.

    Ultimately it is your decision.

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  • arandomperson9999

    I have never heard of a PERSON getting killed because they have alzheimers

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  • Hottigene

    Its very hard to let go there part of your family but you got to ask youself are you keeping them around because of how it would make you feel or is it for whats best for her dhe could be suffering just like some people can take pain better than others does not mean there not.

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  • moisy68

    Definitely put her down. Its quite obvious she is no longer happy with her life. She is barking for some reason. Hip dysplasia is quite painful for dogs and so is arthritis. Would you want to live in those conditions? I had to put down my 7 wk old pure bred retriever pup cause she got pneumonia and it caused heart damage to her the vet said it would be an excruciating death to let her die naturally. I was so devastated nearly crashed driving home with her wrapped up in my coat. Cried so hard my throat hurt. Buried her my Claire bear up on the hill. Wrapped in my coat with her toys some food and a photo of me and her. It really eased my pain doing this. I knew she would be warm be fed and have her toys in dog heaven. I was there when my female gave birth to her so it was truly sad. But in the end it was the most humane thing to do for her.

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  • myweirdself16

    I believe the best thing to do is to put her down.

    I know I wouldn't want my dog to suffer like that.

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  • scumfuck

    i didn' answer do what you think is right tough decision obvisiously you care about your pet enough to post here

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  • Bubbles-for-life

    Put her down. Get her away from her suffering :] so shes 18 in people years she would be........ 18 x 7 hmmm.....

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    • Bubbles-for-life

      She'd be 126!!! ;O

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  • kylecation

    Its probably best if you put her down...

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  • when it happens dont feed her in the morning and take a small bowl of food or doggie treats so she will be eating when the vet injects her , its a kindness for her to go she is unhappy and in declining health, its better now it will only get worse

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  • Ob-ama

    Let me propose a hypothetical, put a bullet in a best friend's brain, or they get tortured for a year before the bullet goes through. Put her down, it's the right thing to do.

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