Is it normal people are so hypocritical?

Its fucking hilarious people for example complaining about how the vax and how it " sterilizes women yet there are shit tons of women who live on a contraceptive pill just so a dick thinker can have their animalistic ways!!
Lmao 🤣
Women do that to themselves with the pill ruining their hormones cause they have no self respect!

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Sanara

    I doubt the vaccine actually sterilized people and it isn't anitvaxer propaganda... But the people who simply want to protect themself or others from diseases may not ALWAYS be the same ones who dont want to be pregnant. So its of course a problem if the vaccine (and it is the only alternative for that disease) sterilizes people. Birth control is also something you can generally quit if you change your mind. Some women do want to have kids, and some do want to have sex as well. While others dont. And same goes with men.

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    • Women do NOT want sex with dick thinker men! They are indoctrinated heavily by social media that they have to put out in a relationship.
      The only idiots who go on a pill to succumb to men's animalistic wants is women with 0 self worth.
      Sad facts but true and im so stoked im one of the few geniuses who has this all figured out.
      As for the vax, well everything has been censored as they want to push an agenda as its about world depopulation and control

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  • Tinybird

    I disagree with the vaccine and contraceptive pills

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    • Its facts so u disagreeing doesn't change the way it is

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      • LloydAsher

        iTs FaCts

        Comment Hidden ( show )
        • Yes what I state is FACT

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  • Tons of women take those pills to get milder periods.
    Something allegedly sterilizing you against your will is not the same thing as taking a pill which you can stop taking whenever you want to.
    Women take the pill because they enjoy sex but doesn't want to get pregnant, not for the so called "dick thinkers". Not to mention all the women who don't want kids. Pretty misogynistic and closed minded of you to assume all women wants to carry children and can't have other desires in life.
    Even as an asexual female this is just pure stupidity. Possibly trolling, or a rare femcel. I get that you have your point of view but this may come as a shock to you but the world doesn't revolve around you and your ideas. Try expanding your mind a little and I don't know... Have actual conversations with real life women. Not femcels or fakebois or something, but real women.

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    • Yes I have plenty conversations with women irl and All the SMART self assured women don't lower their self esteem for the wants of animalistic men, as
      A) They have self esteem
      B) They're smarter than most the sheeeples being indoctrinated by social media and fake news that this is what women have to do for dick thinker men!
      Name call me all you want making up new vocabulary such as femcell but doesn't change the fact that men are dick thinkers and you're deflecting because you're too afraid to realize the truth.
      Its NOT about my views its about FACTS! Facts are most are brainwashed retards who cant think for themselves and only want to follow hetronormative society to the downfall of their self esteem and health ruining their hormones.
      This is why there is mass culling of the population!

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      • Iforgotmyuser

        ur funny

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        • K

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    • No women Don't enjoy sex! Its proven statistically anyhow that majority don't orgasm through penetration anyhow! Only women who have 0 self esteem go on the pill succumbing to men's animalistic wants u twit

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  • Vvaas

    women love sucking my pp

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • Men love sucking pp yes not women

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      • Vvaas

        men AND women love sucking my pp

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        • RETARD

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          • LloydAsher

            Just rude.

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            • You're retard

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