Is it normal people don't agree with my decisions in taking care of elderly dad

my mom died dec 2014 , then my dad started to go downhill. They were very close . a week after my mom died he had a heart attack. I can't keep flying down there. I have a job and two ex and I have a custodial agreement and I would not be allowed to move them to be with my father. Also dad lives in a rural area where there are few jobs other than fast food. So I am making DAD move in with me 3000 miles away against his will. I don't want to do it but I have no choice. he doesn't want to leave all of his brothers and sisters ,his mallwalker friends or the nurse that takes care of him or my overbearing nasty grandmother who is 100 years old.we are arguing a lot about this which caused him to have another heart attack. Everyone thinks I want his money ,which isn't completely true. I do care about him,and just feel like their is a lack of options here.the neighbours and family want to judge me and yell at me , but do they want to pitch in. Nope.

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64% Normal
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Comments ( 4 )
  • DonaldTrump

    I sense women stirring the pot and soaring above your dads near diseased carcass with $ sighs in their eyes. Why is it any of the neighbors business? There probably worried about a non-white moving in next to him when he goes.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    I asked people to help me take care of my mom. You could Skype and make sure he is ok. moving her in to my place would have been A BAD IDEA for everyone. we both needed our space and independence.

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  • Ellenna

    PS: Actually, those words are more than a worry, they're a dead giveaway. On your own admission you've pressured him into a second heart attack: if you continue in this vein and give him another one you're no better than a murderer

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  • Ellenna

    Those words "not completely true" are a bit of a worry.

    Other than that, this is your dad's decision to make, not yours. One of the worst things about getting old is people deciding what they think is best for someone else and then trying to enforce it.

    Unless he has dementia and can't make rational decisons, you have no right to force him to move against his will.

    THIS IS CALLED ELDER ABUSE and I hope someone calls the cops on you. Putting so much pressure on him that he has a second heart attack is cruel and you DO HAVE A CHOICE, YOU'RE JUST NOT GIVING HIM ONE.

    Maybe you take after that nasty overbearing grandmother????

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