Is it normal people preferring biological over adopted kids makes me angry?
I can't stand that people get pregnant and choose to keep a child when they haven't planned and aren't financially or emotionally ready. I can't stand that almost no one even THINKS of adoption when the thought of having a child comes up. My dad works in the foster care system and it's ATROCIOUS. Children growing up in foster care were found twice as likely to develop depression, for example!
[Edit: copy pasted from a comment below because I can't figure out how to word it better!] I'm not ONLY angry that people want to have children in a world where there exist hundreds of thousands that will never know the love of caring parents. I just also wish it had the same level of legitimacy as normal birth.
In the event that a couple plans for a child, tries, and achieves a pregnancy, that's wonderful.
I'm also more angry that people keep surprise pregnancies or put them up for adoption and add to this HUMONGOUS PROBLEM without ever really understanding it.
I am adopted. A lot of people don't notice. I take after my father. We share tons of interests and I think he's a brilliant, respectable man. I'm very proud to take after him. People tell me I look like my mother. We laugh and thank them.
Why do people want new kids when there are so many who don't have homes already? Who need them SO MUCH MORE than kids who don't exist?
Sure, it's partially about what the parents want.
But it's also about opening your heart and knowing that PARENTHOOD isn't about what YOU WANT. It's about what your child NEEDS.
And there are children with needs already. If you were open to parenthood and a good parent, wouldn't you already be open to those needs and consider adoption regardless of 'carrying on your family line?'
I guess I know it's not normal already.. I'm just not entirely sure.