Is it normal people preferring biological over adopted kids makes me angry?

I can't stand that people get pregnant and choose to keep a child when they haven't planned and aren't financially or emotionally ready. I can't stand that almost no one even THINKS of adoption when the thought of having a child comes up. My dad works in the foster care system and it's ATROCIOUS. Children growing up in foster care were found twice as likely to develop depression, for example!
[Edit: copy pasted from a comment below because I can't figure out how to word it better!] I'm not ONLY angry that people want to have children in a world where there exist hundreds of thousands that will never know the love of caring parents. I just also wish it had the same level of legitimacy as normal birth.
In the event that a couple plans for a child, tries, and achieves a pregnancy, that's wonderful.
I'm also more angry that people keep surprise pregnancies or put them up for adoption and add to this HUMONGOUS PROBLEM without ever really understanding it.

I am adopted. A lot of people don't notice. I take after my father. We share tons of interests and I think he's a brilliant, respectable man. I'm very proud to take after him. People tell me I look like my mother. We laugh and thank them.

Why do people want new kids when there are so many who don't have homes already? Who need them SO MUCH MORE than kids who don't exist?
Sure, it's partially about what the parents want.
But it's also about opening your heart and knowing that PARENTHOOD isn't about what YOU WANT. It's about what your child NEEDS.
And there are children with needs already. If you were open to parenthood and a good parent, wouldn't you already be open to those needs and consider adoption regardless of 'carrying on your family line?'
I guess I know it's not normal already.. I'm just not entirely sure.

Voting Results
55% Normal
Based on 47 votes (26 yes)
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Comments ( 34 )
  • dappled

    Of course, yes, and I know you can't really compare it but my family has more often than not gone for "rescue" pets that other people didn't seem to want. I know that might be an insulting analogy but I don't mean it to be. I particularly wonder why couples who have trouble conceiving spend their life savings on IVF when they could adopt and spend the money on giving the child a good life.

    However, you can also understand the need for someone to pass on their family line. To me, it doesn't really matter much. I'm more pragmatic about it. But it really matters to some.

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    • I don't find that insulting at all, oddly. Some animals have suffered far more abuse than foster children, and vice versa.

      I understand those who feel the need to 'pass on the family line' or what have you, I suppose, but only to an extent. For example, though I myself am adopted, I take after my adoptive father to an UNCANNY degree. I'm very proud to be his daughter, even when we don't see eye to eye, and I know it's because he raised me. I feel that would be the case with anyone. Your kids are your kids because you raise them, you know? I mean, I definitely understand that your kids are also your kids because they are literally spawned from your DNA sometimes as well, but it's almost INVALIDATING to my family how much other people shun adoption as an option when considering children.

      Your opinions are actually VERY refreshing to hear compared to some I've heard. ;~;

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      • 1000yrVampireKing

        You make a good piont. I agree with this completely. I also find the fact that some people can not have kids and will try over and over 100 times but refuse to adopt. At some point you should consider adoption. However most people never think of those suffering. With animals people would rather buy a pure breed that are made in puppy mills not mixed breeds or shed animals for the fact they do not have "Papers".

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        • Exactly! A lot of people don't consider it because they don't want 'broken' kids with 'issues.'
          It's so dehumanizing to me to hear those things.

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          • 1000yrVampireKing

            Well I think it more they sometimes will become violent due to mental problems. So the parents consider them a danger. Which it has been proven when babies are not given enough attention growing up they grow up with problems. Which is sometimes the case with foster or adopted children. Which does need a considerable amount of time and effort. Possibly more so compared to a child without these issues.

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            • Every time I have ever been sent to a principal's office, or on the off occasion, a therapist, they always blame everything I do wrong on being adopted.

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            • Oh definitely. It's 100% true.
              That's why I want more kids adopted, preferably as babies. When you adopt a child as a baby, those issues are so much less likely to arise.

              Unfortunately, a lot of kids are already too grown up for that.

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      • dappled

        I hadn't really thought about it but yes, there's that sense that you are passing on your dad's values (if not genes) and this - to me - is at least as important as genetics and probably moreso.

        Not only that but there's another thing; your family are the type of unselfish people who'd adopt a child. If that's not a good value to pass on, I don't know what is. Certainly a better trait than what your eye colour is or whether you are predisposed to a certain illness.

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        • Thank you very much, that's so nice to hear. ;u;
          You have no idea how often people respond with things like, "But you're not REALLY his daughter."
          "You're not his DNA, though, so it doesn't matter what you pass on from him. Personality traits and values don't mean anything."

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  • sega31098

    I'm a Biology student. It is 100% normal for people to prefer biological kids to adopted kids. It is nature.

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    • I know that much is normal, haha.
      That's not the question.

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  • howaminotmyself

    My husband is adopted and wants nothing more than to understand what blood family means. I have my opinions but I will never understand his perspective. We will likely adopt or foster as well as birth our own offspring. It's hard, we don't have to prove anything to anyone to create a child ourself. And childbirth itself it a very interesting experience.

    The foster system is sad, but you can't force people to take in children. Do what you can to support and encourage others to do the same. Just don't attack them and belittle them because they want their own. Most people won't willingly take on a child with such risks.

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    • I feel as though I should have worded my post better, I'm sorry.
      I'm not ONLY angry that people want to have children in a world where there exist hundreds of thousands that will never know the love of caring parents. I just also wish it had the same level of legitimacy as normal birth.
      In the event that a couple plans for a child, tries, and achieves a pregnancy, that's wonderful.
      I'm also more angry that people keep surprise pregnancies or put them up for adoption and add to this HUMONGOUS PROBLEM without ever really understanding it.

      Also, risks?

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      • kelili

        You should have posted your post with those words.^

        Hey you've re-edited your post after I have commented. This is unfair!!

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        • If I should have put the words in my post, you can't really call me unfair for putting the words in my post. ;A;

          I realized my original post clearly didn't have enough information in it.

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          • kelili

            The original post was full of anger. Anyway, I'm in a good mood and I won't argue today.

            Merry Christmas:)

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      • howaminotmyself

        Okay, I didn't see legitamacy as the issue in your post. And knowing my in laws, they did right by adoption. They didn't want to leave it to chance to have a boy so they went and found one. He is treated the same as any other family member if not better. Family does not always mean blood. Husbands and wives are not blood but no one would deny their status as family. Why can't we choose siblings, children, aunts, uncles, ect. in the same manner? We really should take better care of each other.

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        • I think that's very well put. And I agree.
          No one even knows I'm adopted half the time, some people actually comment that I look just like my mom and we giggle and exchange knowing smiles, and thank them.

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  • I would only have a child if it was biological.

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    • Why?

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      • I don't think I'd be able to get the same bond with the kid. If that makes me a douche then so be it.

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        • I was just asking. I'm not going to call you a douche.

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          • It's better to not put the child through more shit if you can't give it what it needs. Just my opinion.

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            • That's a perfectly valid opinion.
              I guess mine in this debate is that anything is better than nothing.
              We can agree to disagree.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    I'm for adopting, my boyfriend isn't really. I think he's coming around though. I'd much rather adopt one day, considering I don't like this world myself.

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  • ohplease

    If a woman wants to experience pregnancy, if a couple wants to find out what sort of new life they can create and nurture together, if they want to have some idea what to expect from the child in the way of inherited traits and characteristics, and even health issues, if they are able and eager to embark on the journey of parenthood, they are bad people if they don't first think "adoption"? Why on earth should they be (what they would view as) punished for what basically boils down to somebody else's decisions? Are you really suggesting that couples interested in having a child be compelled to adopt? Don't you find that to be incredibly fascist? And don't you find the sentiment you're professing to be incredibly self-righteous? If your first impulse isn't to adopt, you are clearly an immoral, uncaring P.O.S.? You might not have explicitly stated that, but your question screams it pretty loudly. And it's sort of a self-gratifying sentiment too, don't you think? You're the smartest and can best tell the poor throngs of deluded fools what is best? It's not exactly like you're unbiased in the debate. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a beautiful sentiment to want to see every child adopted and being lovingly raised by a nurturing family, and I can definitely see how it is an issue that is very close to your heart, but if I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that if a woman finds herself pregnant when she wasn't planning on becoming a mother, she must be compelled to abort the child so that she can either not have to deal with the burdens of a child, or if she decides she wants a child after all, she has to adopt ("I'm also more angry that people keep surprise pregnancies")? "PARENTHOOD isn't about what YOU WANT. It's about what your child NEEDS." I think you need to pay more attention to that sentiment. Are you suggesting that this can include abortion if somebody else's child is in need? And with adoption, the child only becomes yours once you take the steps to adopt it. I don't consider anybody else's offspring my own, and they sure as heck better not consider mine theirs. Is this moral imperative just directed to single mothers, or does it include couples that find themselves with one extra child than they anticipated? What of a couple that was planning for just one more, but finds themselves pregnant with twins or triplets? Do we cull the surplus and supplement them with adoptive children if they still want 3 children? You're really proposing intruding a little too intimately on others' lives. I think it is wonderful that parents elect to adopt, and I agree with you that it is both shameful and despicable that so often, people do not give adopted children the same legitimacy as biological children (I envy the willpower of adoptive parents who hear questions like, "Are you going to try to have any real children" and don't knock the person asking's lights out). But I think that what you are saying is just as offensive to parents who decide to have biological children as minimizing the legitimacy of adoption is offensive to you.

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    • You bring up some good points, but I feel as though you are projecting quite a lot.
      I actually did address my feelings on how I feel if someone would like to experience pregnancy and achieves that, and that it is wonderful.
      I still think that if you find yourself pregnant and are financially, emotionally, and/or otherwise unready to have a child you should probably abort it, rather than HAVE the child and put it up for adoption where it will grow up in the same conditions I was very, very mercifully rescued from. OR, in the other scenario, keep a child they didn't want, in a situation in which it cannot be properly taken care of because no one was ready. I don't know why you assume I'm saying people should abort it and immediately adopt a child afterwards.
      During the adoption process, I would not urge anyone to consider a child 'theirs' until after the adoption process is complete anyway, since unfortunately other people have attempted to adopt and odd international laws have interrupted the process halfway through.
      I also don't know why you think that I think that we should kill off unexpected twins and triplets? I honestly do not understand your assumptions.

      I think you're missing the other alternatives that people go to before adoption.
      Want a child but can't get pregnant? IVF!
      Want a child but don't want pregnancy? Surrogate!
      There are other roads besides pregnancy and adoption.

      However I do agree that I am very harsh on the choice of biological children. I feel guilty about it a lot. I know that it's no excuse, but I live in an area where people are very very poorly educated on safe sex and a lot of kids get knocked up by pure virtue of ignorance. It's so sad to see.

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      • ohplease

        I suppose I misunderstood. It sounded like what you were indicating was that any unintended children were best suited for the chopping block, which is why I extrapolated about the multiple births ("I'm also more angry that people keep surprise pregnancies or put them up for adoption.."). I'm sure that there are many couples that perhaps are not planning for a child, but nonetheless welcome the addition to the family, and it grows up loved and hopefully, not even knowing that they were a 'mistake'. I am also sure that there are many adults, well adjusted and happy, that when their parents found out they were pregnant, had no idea how on earth they would afford said child, and yet managed to, and to even love the child. Not every unintentional child winds up aborted or up for adoption. I'm sure that there are many people who find that they have to grow up in a hurry because they are pregnant. Not the best alternative, but I find it more than a little messed up to imply that all unintended children that are kept by their parents are doomed to a sad and pitiful existence. Additionally, saying, "I'm also more angry that people keep surprise pregnancies or put them up for adoption.." implies that as an adopted child, you think it would have been preferable to be aborted? Yes, many children flounder in orphanages and foster care, but do you think that they all would have preferred nonexistence? Maybe you didn't intend your question to sound that way, but in reading your question only, that is what it seems like you are implying. I wasn't saying that parents in the process of or attempting to adopt a child shouldn't view a child as their own, I think that they definitely should (at least in domestic adoptions, I know that foreign adoptions can unexpectedly fall through), and it would probably be impossible to avoid, but what you seemed to imply was that any adults considering expanding their family should be thinking of children in foster care and the adoption pool as 'theirs', and you seem to think that they have some sort of responsibility, and ought to feel some sort of attachment towards them. They don't, any more than they have any responsibility and attachment towards any other individual they don't know. It's like you're looking to redistribute children. I understand where your opinion comes from, it's not as though it's insane or irrational, given your life experiences, but, and it's really more of a BUT- what you're saying really does make you sound like a twisted fascist.

        I'm assuming that you're female. Given that you seem to live with and socialize a great deal with your parents, I suspect that you are a teenager, but I would be interested to find out how old you are. I would also be interested to learn how you feel about the subject when you're nearing 30 and your biological impulses may be overriding your current moral stance.

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        • I still think you're projecting too much. I am female, but I'm in my early twenties.

          Regarding "Yes, many children flounder in orphanages and foster care, but do you think that they all would have preferred nonexistence?"
          I don't think you understand what it can do to a psyche to feel as though you weren't meant to exist in one of the most the most basic and important ways most people were.

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  • kelili

    I think that YOU have a big problem. Why get angry? Your father works in a foster care system and following your logic he should be the one to be hated the most because even if he saw all how these little children suffer he has chosen to have YOU!

    Regardless of their economic situation each couple has the right to decide to have children. A single woman has the right to get pregnant if she wants to. I see children not being taken good care of everyday, should this push me to adopt? No way , I want to have my own children - my flesh and blood. Am I selfish? Am I a bad person for thinking so? No I don't think so. I am only human.

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    • I am adopted.

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      • kelili

        Hope you are happy and that you feel good in your family. Anyway the fact that there are many children who needs a family s not a reason for couple to stop procreating. No way. I remain on my position.

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